Friends & Relationships
Planning a family vacation with Autism – 10 tips for success
By alex on November 2, 2018

Going on vacation is is supposed to be relaxing but it can often turn out to be the opposite for those on the spectrum if we don’t plan it right. And for parents of autistics, that stress can spread to the whole family. When I was a kid, my parents made a lot of efforts […]
Minds Without Borders
By lifeaspermargo on April 17, 2017

Autistic behavior is a form of communication. I’m about to take that statement further and show you the significance behind autistic behavior. For me, autism means that my mind is a vast open space where all my knowledge runs free with my hyper-connected brain. Most people are born with instructions to function on this […]
Everybody Is Identical: a response to An Open Letter to the Depressed Aspergian
By quinnprk on April 20, 2016

Trigger Warning: This article discusses depression and suicide at length. Do not read it if you are easily triggered by such subjects. Do not let your children read this if they are too young. A friend of mine jumped off her roof last week. Her name was Zara. She was a painter. She wasn’t autistic, […]
An Open Letter to the Depressed Aspergians
By stephenreynolds9663 on March 23, 2016

This is dedicated to you, or someone you know. Someone you know nearly and dearly, this is a person who might mean the world to you; someone who you care about deeply, someone you would never want to see cry or feel pain. Someone once wrote that “Depression is not a happenstance cut or opened […]
9 Guidelines For Dating With Asperger’s
By gwenkansen on January 13, 2016

I forget who said this, but if you’ve met one aspie, you’ve met one aspie. We’re all different. That’s the first thing to keep in mind. You shouldn’t hold yourself to neurotypical standards. But you shouldn’t define yourself by Asperger’s either. Especially not at first. If you’re calling yourself aspie89 on Tinder then you need […]
Coping with Conversation
By androbot01 on April 8, 2015

Social interaction is like navigating a maze. One wrong turn can lead to disheartening rejection. But, a lot of difficulties arise from misinterpretation and misunderstanding. These are some tricks I use to try to get through successfully. Take charge of social situations. Social interactions are shaped by both participants. If someone is being grumpy, be […]
Six phrases and questions likely to confuse people with Asperger’s.
By RobertLovesPi on February 14, 2015

Throughout this post, I will refer to people with Asperger’s as “Aspies.” This is not considered a derogatory term; it’s simply how we refer to ourselves. First, we are not stupid. We also are not trying to be difficult when we say we don’t understand you. We don’t have a disease, and the vast majority […]
Autism-friendly events for adults and why they matter
By alex on December 10, 2014

This is a sponsored post by Elly from The National Autistic Society. From doctor’s surgeries to train stations to offices, it’s no great shock to learn that many places people with autism have to visit are not autism-friendly. There have, of course, been big campaigns about this – and people are taking notice. Social institutions, […]
5 tools to get through Christmas (and other family holidays)
By alex on December 25, 2013

However, one of the things I hear from many people on the spectrum, and have had trouble dealing with, as well, is family holidays. Christmas...
Asperger Love: Searching for Romance When You’re Not Wired to Connect
By alex on March 16, 2013

The first night he slept with her, entwined with her on his futon, Jack Robison regarded Kirsten Lindsmith with undisguised tenderness. She was the only girl to have ever asked questions about his obsessive interests—chemistry,...