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Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion Topic: Diversity destroys social cohesion in the West |
Nebogipfel |
Posted: 08 May 2016, 12:59 pm
Replies: 35 Views: 2,400
There will always be an 'us' versus 'them' mentality. It's why we get news and care about europeans over here in canada and the US but not about all the s**t that happens in Cambodia, for instance. Eventually, some of the movements of peoples which seems disruptive now, will have the payoff that it... |
Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion Topic: Sargon of Akkad Petition what you think? |
Nebogipfel |
Posted: 04 May 2016, 7:35 pm
Replies: 25 Views: 1,767
I will try to list some of the things I personally found disconcerting about the way that clip was put together. -Unless someone were trying to elicit a flight or fight response technique popularised in movies like Saving Private Ryan, there's no good reason for the video's editor not to stabilize t... |
Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion Topic: Sargon of Akkad Petition what you think? |
Nebogipfel |
Posted: 04 May 2016, 12:13 pm
Replies: 25 Views: 1,767
Drake wrote: Oh I see what you mean there, the flashes and zooms?
Watch again, and look for any altered details that make you feel uneasy. There are more that are too subtle to pick up the first time. |
Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion Topic: Sargon of Akkad Petition what you think? |
Nebogipfel |
Posted: 04 May 2016, 10:08 am
Replies: 25 Views: 1,767
I haven't looked at the first video yet, but in the second video, there are some effects that were added starting at 2:27 point that make the video very unpleasant to watch. |
Forum: Television, Film, and Video Topic: What's everyone's least favorite movie? |
Nebogipfel |
Posted: 01 May 2016, 11:56 am
Replies: 47 Views: 3,879
I watched the Open Road clip. I am adding 83 WITW to my viewing list :/ More movies I didn't like: *I never liked Ralph Bakshi's LOTR. *I've seen every Peter Jackson movie up until LOTR. One of them was good. There is a way of judging art that I heard suggested recently. Whether it gives you energy ... |
Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion Topic: Sargon of Akkad Petition what you think? |
Nebogipfel |
Posted: 01 May 2016, 5:52 am
Replies: 25 Views: 1,767
It's a common observation that the purpose of the Shock Jock's seems to be in convincing the working class to vote against its interests. The most obvious method is by bypassing our logic circuits by hijacking our stress responses. |
Forum: Art, Writing, and Music Topic: Favorite Prince song(s) |
Nebogipfel |
Posted: 29 Apr 2016, 10:24 am
Replies: 11 Views: 828
Dolphin, 1999, Willing and Able, 1+1+1=3, Get Off, MyNameIsPrince |
Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion Topic: SJW - What would be a good literal name for them? |
Nebogipfel |
Posted: 27 Apr 2016, 8:12 am
Replies: 140 Views: 6,806
I think I was wrong for getting on this bandwagon. Whenever you're doing something positive, there's always someone out there doing what you're doing, but doing it like a jackass. It's always easy to edit cases of the latter together to discredit the former. |
Forum: Television, Film, and Video Topic: Star Wars: the Force Awakens - Worst Star Wars film ever? |
Nebogipfel |
Posted: 25 Apr 2016, 6:47 am
Replies: 49 Views: 9,077
So if we were to be realistic here, I'd say the title of worst Star Wars film goes to The Phantom Menace AND The Force Awakens. Nuff said. Yes, but not if Jar Jar is a Slith Lord controlling events from the shadows, which he certainly is. If you take that into account, and watch how he interracts w... |
Forum: Television, Film, and Video Topic: TV Episodes You Have Just Watched |
Nebogipfel |
Posted: 25 Apr 2016, 5:56 am
Replies: 7,385 Views: 323,170
So, the Red Witch is actually a witch. I don't know why I wasn't expecting that. |
Forum: Television, Film, and Video Topic: Star Wars: the Force Awakens - Worst Star Wars film ever? |
Nebogipfel |
Posted: 24 Apr 2016, 5:18 am
Replies: 49 Views: 9,077
I have a thetory abut Snokke. Imagine if aClawdite shapeshifter had los'tt his ability to shapeshift mide way through a shapeshift. Snnoke looks like a transitional form midway beptween a Gunggan and a Cclawdite base form. Clawdite was the species of shapeshifter from theCoruscant chase scene early ... |
Forum: Random Discussion Topic: What song are you listening to now? |
Nebogipfel |
Posted: 22 Apr 2016, 2:32 am
Replies: 32,330 Views: 1,801,829
Forum: Art, Writing, and Music Topic: what are you listening to THIS VERY SECOND? |
Nebogipfel |
Posted: 19 Apr 2016, 4:41 pm
Replies: 65,420 Views: 2,527,196
Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion Topic: Post your unpopular political views |
Nebogipfel |
Posted: 18 Apr 2016, 8:02 pm
Replies: 641 Views: 27,442
IMHO a video presentation sans any kind of sweetening or effects, is akin to plain yogurt- certainly nourishing but not especially pleasant. To me, interesting subject matter delivered in an articulate way is the sweetening factor. I find many of the effects used in mainstream documentary and news ... |
Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion Topic: Post your unpopular political views |
Nebogipfel |
Posted: 18 Apr 2016, 5:50 pm
Replies: 641 Views: 27,442
I believe that the way a video is shot and edited communicates something important about how its creators are going about trying to convince. In a documentary or lecture, techniques such as shaky cam and musical accompaniment are often used to persuade an audience to a particular view by manipulatin... |
Forum: Television, Film, and Video Topic: What's everyone's least favorite movie? |
Nebogipfel |
Posted: 18 Apr 2016, 4:34 pm
Replies: 47 Views: 3,879
-I should have said about Ma Kent that she is a misanthrope. She doesn't say enough to be considered an objectivist.
-I didn't see that version of Crossroads, but I liked the Crossroads movie directed by Walter Hill with Steve Vai as the Devil. |
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