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 Forum: Computers, Math, Science, and Technology   Topic: Is it worthwhile to study Java programming?

Posted: 10 Mar 2016, 12:03 am 

Replies: 12
Views: 3,525

The question to me doesn't seem to make much sense. Is it worthwhile to learn anything? I suppose it is if it interests you. If your asking if its a better way to spend your time and effort rather than to learn another programming language then I would have to ask what you want out of a programming ...

 Forum: Games and Video Games   Topic: AS and steep learning curves

Posted: 24 Nov 2014, 11:24 pm 

Replies: 7
Views: 1,059

Its kind of strange but yeah a lot of simulation games actually get worse as sequels are made. The developers already made the best game they could then the bossman tells them they have to make another.. since they cant do better but have to change it enough to not anger the buyers who would realize...

 Forum: Computers, Math, Science, and Technology   Topic: Will anyone benefit from Climate Change?

Posted: 24 Nov 2014, 11:10 pm 

Replies: 22
Views: 1,668

You say its generally beneficial but how? As for the "cooling since 1998" myth it's long been shown that it came about as a consequence of basically ignoring the overall trend in favor of focusing completely on single specific dataset that supports the supposition. Its the equivalent of sa...

 Forum: Computers, Math, Science, and Technology   Topic: I think I destroyed my hard drive?

Posted: 24 Nov 2014, 10:54 pm 

Replies: 10
Views: 1,185

Nah it's actually pretty hard to brick a hard drive since most of what it needs to function on a basic level is in the firmware and takes some pretty determined work to modify unless using manufacturers software specifically made for that task. If all else fails just deleting all the partitions and ...

 Forum: Computers, Math, Science, and Technology   Topic: Will anyone benefit from Climate Change?

Posted: 24 Nov 2014, 7:17 pm 

Replies: 22
Views: 1,668

Humanaut wrote:
MorganFTL wrote:
What are we going to do about it?

About what?

Global warming.

 Forum: Computers, Math, Science, and Technology   Topic: Can anyone define this obscure math jargon

Posted: 24 Nov 2014, 6:56 pm 

Replies: 9
Views: 1,327

I think in English its saying that while before age 25 a person can perform quite complex calculations its only later in life they develop the necessary skills to "understand" a complex system with one look as the much more robust subconscious learning and deeply ingrained memories of prev...

 Forum: Computers, Math, Science, and Technology   Topic: Will anyone benefit from Climate Change?

Posted: 24 Nov 2014, 6:45 pm 

Replies: 22
Views: 1,668

Firstly global warming is no scam I've seen the data and did the simple math myself (anyone can do it.. practically every country on earth has independently kept temperature records for the last century). Sure some people are benefiting from it but humans can find an angle to benefit from anything. ...

 Forum: Games and Video Games   Topic: God Hand

Posted: 18 Nov 2014, 9:41 pm 

Replies: 1
Views: 498

Yeah God Hand kind of flew under the radar when it was released but is quickly becoming a cult classic.

Would definitely recommend it to anyone who enjoys beat-em-ups.

 Forum: Computers, Math, Science, and Technology   Topic: I want the equivilent (or better) of what BlackICE was

Posted: 18 Nov 2014, 4:07 pm 

Replies: 6
Views: 877

Ah I didn't catch that sorry :P

 Forum: Computers, Math, Science, and Technology   Topic: who else can understand string theory and general relativivt

Posted: 18 Nov 2014, 3:04 pm 

Replies: 42
Views: 3,601

Humanaut wrote:
Is it true that photons are made of photonium?

Yes and breaking news photonium is now theorized to be made of kitten sneezes.


 Forum: Computers, Math, Science, and Technology   Topic: I want the equivilent (or better) of what BlackICE was

Posted: 18 Nov 2014, 3:02 pm 

Replies: 6
Views: 877

I dated a guy who said exactly that, and he hacked into my computer. I should realise, really. Why would anyone here advertise a product that went against their favourite hobby? ;) I was being quite serious. All firewalls do basically the same thing.. selectively denying connections to ports and ip...

 Forum: Computers, Math, Science, and Technology   Topic: Java as first programming language?

Posted: 18 Nov 2014, 2:55 pm 

Replies: 17
Views: 2,166

Basic however got me into programming, it allowed me to play with arrays strings and general logic before trying to learn some language with more features. Basic was my first language as well but I found it wasn't all that helpful when switching to a more advanced language as very little of it seem...

 Forum: Computers, Math, Science, and Technology   Topic: Buggy Laptop

Posted: 18 Nov 2014, 2:51 pm 

Replies: 5
Views: 606

In internet options under the privacy tab theres a slider to change to different presets. The lower the slider the more permissive it is towards cookies and other tracking objects.

There's also an advanced button for finer control.

 Forum: Games and Video Games   Topic: NES system - use as a torture device in Guantanamo Bay

Posted: 18 Nov 2014, 2:45 pm 

Replies: 17
Views: 1,960

What a lot of people don't realize is that "Nintendo hard" came about not because of a sadistic streak on the part of the developers (usually) but because of the limitations of the hardware. If they made the games just difficult enough to be challenging but without the brutal die and start over mech...

 Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion   Topic: What "science" disproves higher beings?

Posted: 17 Nov 2014, 4:34 pm 

Replies: 114
Views: 4,887

Well considering omniscience is one of the traits god is purported to have and that even using quanta the smallest possible form of matter as a storage media with no supporting infrastructure to maintain it would require a system a billion times more massive than the universe itself to contain that ...

 Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion   Topic: Which religion / belief do you belong to?

Posted: 17 Nov 2014, 1:22 am 

Replies: 77
Views: 5,933


It means I'm multiple religions.. all of them in fact (just not very good at any of them).
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