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 Forum: In-Depth Adult Life Discussion   Topic: Ruining the life of my long term love

Posted: 26 Mar 2015, 11:28 pm 

Replies: 28
Views: 1,961

Thank you very much abeautifulmind and Adamantium for your kind advice and support.

 Forum: In-Depth Adult Life Discussion   Topic: Ruining the life of my long term love

Posted: 26 Mar 2015, 10:50 am 

Replies: 28
Views: 1,961

@ abeautifulmind Though it might be hurtful, I appreciate your honesty and your point of view. It is definitely bothering him more than me. And that is why it bothers me. If it was the other way round I would try to find a way. But that is easy for me to say. And I guess I need psychological counsel...

 Forum: In-Depth Adult Life Discussion   Topic: Ruining the life of my long term love

Posted: 26 Mar 2015, 10:13 am 

Replies: 28
Views: 1,961

@ Adamantium It is ok and of course comfusing. I guess Tony Attwoods sums it up: Sexuality can become a special interest in terms of acquiring information and of interest in sexual diversity and activities. The desire for such relativities and sexual intimacy can be excessive, almost compulsive. How...

 Forum: In-Depth Adult Life Discussion   Topic: Ruining the life of my long term love

Posted: 26 Mar 2015, 9:47 am 

Replies: 28
Views: 1,961

@ Adamantium We just happened to meet each other at a sexual minority munch. But I'm thankfull for your pointing out that some of what we were and did together was real. Non of us has made our mind up about anything.I had a little talk with him today and we are both kind in a state of shock. But at ...

 Forum: In-Depth Adult Life Discussion   Topic: Ruining the life of my long term love

Posted: 26 Mar 2015, 9:39 am 

Replies: 28
Views: 1,961

@ abeautifulmind

I am accusing myself. Thank you for your suggestions. I would like him to focus on other things but sex is really important to him an definitely not to me. And if I focus on other things I'm not responding to his needs - once again.

 Forum: In-Depth Adult Life Discussion   Topic: Ruining the life of my long term love

Posted: 26 Mar 2015, 9:33 am 

Replies: 28
Views: 1,961

@ Bondkatten Thank you very much for your supportive answer. I once asked my doctor to refer me to a psychiatrist oer sexologist who could help me to find out what to do with my non-existing sexlife and whether or not I had aspergers. He did but this psychiastrist couldn't help me with either. I gue...

 Forum: In-Depth Adult Life Discussion   Topic: Ruining the life of my long term love

Posted: 26 Mar 2015, 1:29 am 

Replies: 28
Views: 1,961

Maybe my post was too messy. Maybe I'm posting in the wrong place. Maybe you are still sleeping. I love my NT husband (Not married). I gave him reason to expect hot and kinky sex when we first met. Due to me it never happened. Though i tried all I could i didn't get it at all. Now he thinks he abuse...

 Forum: In-Depth Adult Life Discussion   Topic: Ruining the life of my long term love

Posted: 25 Mar 2015, 11:42 pm 

Replies: 28
Views: 1,961

Yes, I wrote it in Danish. Sorry, I know my writing is a mess this time. I will take better care about my language in future posts.

 Forum: In-Depth Adult Life Discussion   Topic: Ruining the life of my long term love

Posted: 25 Mar 2015, 11:32 pm 

Replies: 28
Views: 1,961

This is my very first entry... and I'm sorry it's a mess. I'm in shock I guess. I'm 51 years old and live in Danmark with my BF for about 14 years and our daughter. A few days ago I realized that I most certainly have aspergers. I should have guessed as our daughter was diagnosed HFA abou 8 years ag...
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