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 Forum: Love and Dating   Topic: does he like me??

 Post subject: Re: does he like me??
Posted: 13 Feb 2016, 6:10 pm 

Replies: 5
Views: 449

The question is if he likes me. I just meant to say he seems to have AS (weird, clumsy ways, in IT) which could also be a reason why it is so hard to communicate with him. If I like him? Yes I do. He works well (I see it as a big quality), he is nice and helpful and I do like his quiet way. As a rem...

 Forum: Love and Dating   Topic: does he like me??

 Post subject: does he like me??
Posted: 13 Feb 2016, 5:29 pm 

Replies: 5
Views: 449

Hi everybody! I would like your opinion on the following. There is a guy at work I like. I wonder if he has aspergers but I am not sure. He may be very shy or not interested. So, we are not in the same team but we seat in the same big room and we have sometimes to chat (via skype). I try to be frien...
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