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 Forum: General Autism Discussion   Topic: Autism in the Media

 Post subject: Re: Autism in the Media
Posted: 13 Aug 2018, 11:59 am 

Replies: 83
Views: 6,284

A search of IMDB produced 617 shows related to autism. I look forward to perusing these. (Use 'ADVANCED SEARCH' and put 'AUTISM' in box related to 'PLOT'). I scanned all 617 and did not find "THE BRIDGE" which begs the question how many shows did not make the list? Autism is everywhere, h...

 Forum: General Autism Discussion   Topic: Autism in the Media

 Post subject: Re: Autism in the Media
Posted: 13 Aug 2018, 9:58 am 

Replies: 83
Views: 6,284

Hi, I am an Aspie and proud. All of mankinds greatest inventions, most of mankinds greatest discoveries and a heavy hand in music and art has come from autism. Autism is a part of being human, an important part. The fickle media will learn when it grows up and stops insisting it knows best. Clearly ...

 Forum: General Autism Discussion   Topic: Is Aspergers the opposite of psychopathy? What's our link?

Posted: 12 Aug 2017, 12:24 pm 

Replies: 31
Views: 7,135

I am Aspie like you KellyPFranklin, we see, hear, smell, taste and feel more than NT's. We see the different thinkers and their pain, I can spot a schizophrenic by demeanour alone. Sociopaths, psychopaths and schizophrenics see us seeing them. Seeing the whole person brings about an emotional connec...

 Forum: General Autism Discussion   Topic: Is there a link between Aspergers and MS?

Posted: 12 Aug 2017, 11:57 am 

Replies: 14
Views: 4,444

I have both primary progressive multiple sclerosis and Asperger syndrome. I have been Aspie all my life, MS came quite a bit later. I do not believe they are linked. I was a breach birth to a mother that died of lung cancer. I believe with all my intellectual being that the venous insufficiency to m...
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