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 Forum: Love and Dating   Topic: Speak or write when asking an AS about love?

Posted: 23 Jun 2018, 4:34 am 

Replies: 10
Views: 620

yellowtamarin, thanks, that was a great advice. I did it exactly that way.
And since he was most helpful, I know now where we stand.
Just this: not what I thought, let alone hoped for, but that's not the important thing. Important is, that I know and that we can treat each other accordingly.

 Forum: Love and Dating   Topic: Speak or write when asking an AS about love?

Posted: 21 Jun 2018, 5:17 pm 

Replies: 10
Views: 620

Thank you all for your insights. As for the meaning of 'needing to where I stand': it would make little sense to invest into a friendship the other party doesn't regard as such. rick42, I am sorry that you made experiences that led you to assume that all NTs hate Aspies. Why would I? We just have di...

 Forum: Love and Dating   Topic: Speak or write when asking an AS about love?

Posted: 21 Jun 2018, 10:10 am 

Replies: 10
Views: 620

I'm an NT who developed feelings for a guy, was puzzled by his (seemingly) erratical behaviour until someone with AS epxlained that he is most likely an Aspie as well. Although AS is nothing to be taken lightly, I don't mind this - I'm epileptic and know that conditions are just that - you respect t...

 Forum: Getting to know each other   Topic: Hello from a (possible) NT newbie

Posted: 21 Jun 2018, 8:47 am 

Replies: 3
Views: 146

Hiya! I'm a middle aged female. I might be just so on the spectrum myself (I show some traits), but haven't been diagnosed yet. I have several friends with AS, and learning about the condition helps me to understand and treat them better - and to help them understand and treat me. Now I'm here becau...
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