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 Forum: Bipolar, Tourettes, Schizophrenia, and other Psychological Conditions   Topic: cant fight depression anymore

Posted: 07 Mar 2019, 7:21 am 

Replies: 4
Views: 578

its a small thing and its not a fix, but taking on a hobby thats physical and has results you can see might help, like art or baking or something also, going outside at least once per day is something good dont be afraid to contact an old friend, someone you used to be good pals with but fell out of...

 Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion   Topic: Political, Philosophical, and Religious views

Posted: 07 Mar 2019, 6:51 am 

Replies: 139
Views: 6,269

politics: the ultimate aim of a country should be to become a utopia for the common person who lives there. I believe that the smaller a nation is, the better. philosophy: Learning is the most noble pursuit and everyone is learning every day and never stops learning. Also, I think that "good&qu...

 Forum: LGBT Discussion   Topic: Do I have a different gender identity?

Posted: 07 Mar 2019, 6:22 am 

Replies: 20
Views: 2,511

I have been out as trans for almost three years and i went through a long and confusing questioning process. for me, discovering my gender was a matter of trying them on and seeing what fit and what didnt. It's a matter of finding out what makes you most comfortable. What I would suggest, based on m...
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