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Forum: Bipolar, Tourettes, Schizophrenia, and other Psychological Conditions Topic: Struggling to accept BPD diagnosis - could it be ASD instead |
Tiff B |
Posted: 21 Oct 2024, 6:55 am
Replies: 2 Views: 2,810
Hello neuro-spicy friends, I have struggled my entire life with being ND : hypersensitive, hyper empathetic, needing to do things my own way, preferring my own company (or animals) to that of people, being both very smart (sometimes) and incredibly naive (often), not understanding 2nd degree, gettin... |
Forum: General Autism Discussion Topic: A lot of people with Autism don't drive cars, why is that? |
Tiff B |
Posted: 04 Jul 2024, 9:14 am
Replies: 102 Views: 16,070
Wow I thought I might be quite alone in this but I feel much better knowing I am not the only one who doesn't drive! I get completely overwhelmed. My senses go into overdrive and I have NO idea what I'm supposed to pay attention to. It's like the opposite of tunnel vision :lol: I was very embarrasse... |
Forum: General Autism Discussion Topic: Something therapist said during pre-assessement????? |
Tiff B |
Posted: 02 Jul 2024, 12:00 pm
Replies: 17 Views: 3,562
@Fenn By socialized medecine do you mean universal healthcare? Yes we do, but it's probably not quite the idealized version you might have heard ;) Social Security pays back 70% of most costs unless you have a disability, in which case they cover 100% of the cost in relation w/ disability. But it's ... |
Forum: General Autism Discussion Topic: Something therapist said during pre-assessement????? |
Tiff B |
Posted: 02 Jul 2024, 2:52 am
Replies: 17 Views: 3,562
Good morning! OK so I had my very first pre-assessement appointement yesterday. It didn't go too badly, but I cannot help feeling in my gut that the psychologist was a little dubious. I live in France where we are very much behind in this subject, and I am a high-masking woman, so I'm already worrie... |
Forum: General Autism Discussion Topic: Characters whose autistic traits you relate to |
Tiff B |
Posted: 09 Jun 2024, 1:15 pm
Replies: 98 Views: 19,229
Bones is awesome! Rewatching the whole series right now  |
Forum: General Autism Discussion Topic: Struggling with paradoxical reactions/emotions |
Tiff B |
Posted: 09 Jun 2024, 6:19 am
Replies: 3 Views: 3,261
Hey there :) I have not yet been officially diagnosed with ASD (Asperger's), although I have been diagnosed with high anxiety, depression, OCD, ADHD, dissociative personality disorder and CPTSD. I have always felt that those diagnoses were incomplete. Each explained a lot about me, but not all. The ... |
Forum: General Autism Discussion Topic: Characters whose autistic traits you relate to |
Tiff B |
Posted: 09 Jun 2024, 5:32 am
Replies: 98 Views: 19,229
Funnily enough for me it was shows where the character in question is not named as being autistic, like "Bones", "The Big Bang theory" and "Dr House". It was the first time I met characters (esp the first 2) who seemed to take almost everything literally, and say exactl... |
Forum: General Autism Discussion Topic: Can you understand poetry as a person on the spectrum? |
Tiff B |
Posted: 08 Jun 2024, 8:53 am
Replies: 62 Views: 7,674
Never understood poetry, which is weird cause I wrote songs for a living for 20 years :lol: Without a melody poetry is too complicated to understand. Just like I need overly exaggerated facial features in order to understand 2nd degree when someone is speaking. I love writing prose however. Been wri... |
Forum: General Autism Discussion Topic: Hating the color pink |
Tiff B |
Posted: 08 Jun 2024, 8:43 am
Replies: 52 Views: 7,676
Of course you can love or hate any colour you want, and tastes do evolve through life. I have always really disliked pink unless it's a very specific shade of old pink. had a recurring nightmare in childhood that was just a (terrifying) pink blob changing shapes so maybe it comes from there. I am we... |
Forum: Bipolar, Tourettes, Schizophrenia, and other Psychological Conditions Topic: I feel like I'm going crazy. |
Tiff B |
Posted: 08 Jun 2024, 8:29 am
Replies: 7 Views: 4,806
I feel for you. I have been there. Just know that you are not alone. I remember back in the days when I was at my worst, just after some horrible memories came back to the surface, I felt like I had sunk to the bottom of the ocean. I lived in a dark, cold, silent place full of monsters, and I had th... |
Forum: General Autism Discussion Topic: ADHD thread |
Tiff B |
Posted: 07 Jun 2024, 12:07 pm
Replies: 135 Views: 25,555
I live in France and the term ADHD has only been used for a few years here. It was not really in use back in 2020 when I was diagnosed as "Hyperactive/hypersensitive" after an assessment at the pain clinic I went to for my fibromyalgia. But I am lucky - my mom being originally from Toronto... |
Forum: Getting to know each other Topic: Hey guys! Thanks for having me :) |
Tiff B |
Posted: 07 Jun 2024, 1:55 am
Replies: 13 Views: 4,292
Hey there just wanted to say a big thanks for your welcome, and a special thank you to those of you who took the time to tell me a bit more about their journey, it's really touching to read. I definitely feel I'm in the right place. Have a great day! |
Forum: Getting to know each other Topic: Hey guys! Thanks for having me :) |
Tiff B |
Posted: 06 Jun 2024, 9:40 am
Replies: 13 Views: 4,292
Hello! This is my very first post here. For the moment I am self-diagnosed but I have a couple of appointments in July to start the diagnostic process. I'm both really looking forward to it and also dreading it. Trying to psych myself up and be well prepared, but I live in France and I am afraid tha... |
Forum: Getting to know each other Topic: Questions about you |
Tiff B |
Posted: 06 Jun 2024, 4:41 am
Replies: 5,758 Views: 1,245,112
What is your first name? Tiffany Age: 44 Location: Saumur, France Hobbies and Interests: Arts, crafts, science, animals, history, literature... Why are you here? Starting the diagnostic process, and looking to learn more about people's experiences. I enjoy being part of an online community. When wer... |
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