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 Forum: School and College Life   Topic: I just tore up my degrees

Posted: 22 Aug 2011, 5:33 pm 

Replies: 91
Views: 18,611

On charts and averages, I've learned to utterly distrust them. I think it was Mark Twain who said "there are lies, damn lies, and statistics." My college minor was in statistics and most of the time when someone says that statistics lie, it's because they're taken out of context not because of actu...

 Forum: School and College Life   Topic: I just tore up my degrees

Posted: 22 Aug 2011, 11:53 am 

Replies: 91
Views: 18,611

Then even more insightful would be if we could look at a normal bell curve for what people make who have a high school diploma only, and another for someone with a master's degree. It could give us insight if there are a lot who don't make much, even if on average they make different amounts.

 Forum: School and College Life   Topic: I just tore up my degrees

Posted: 22 Aug 2011, 11:42 am 

Replies: 91
Views: 18,611

On charts and averages, I've learned to utterly distrust them. I think it was Mark Twain who said "there are lies, damn lies, and statistics." My college minor was in statistics and most of the time when someone says that statistics lie, it's because they're taken out of context not because of actu...

 Forum: School and College Life   Topic: I just tore up my degrees

Posted: 20 Aug 2011, 6:46 pm 

Replies: 91
Views: 18,611

I have a worthless bachelors and masters in poli-sci with a 3.6 and 3.7 GPA respectively, but they are shredded now. They are valuable only as toilet paper. Although you said you have a Master's in Poli-Sci, I found "the most popular jobs" for someone with a Bachelor's in Political Science from som...

 Forum: School and College Life   Topic: I just tore up my degrees

Posted: 20 Aug 2011, 3:16 pm 

Replies: 91
Views: 18,611

I wonder if a better way to word this would be to say that a college degree can increase your likelihood of making more money, but not the same as guaranteeing that you'll have a job or make more. The reason why I wonder is I look at graphs like this: Median 2003 Income by Educational Level http://...

 Forum: School and College Life   Topic: I just tore up my degrees

Posted: 20 Aug 2011, 2:11 am 

Replies: 91
Views: 18,611

I wonder if a better way to word this would be to say that a college degree can increase your likelihood of making more money, but not the same as guaranteeing that you'll have a job or make more. The reason why I wonder is I look at graphs like this: Median 2003 Income by Educational Level http://w...

 Forum: News and Current Events   Topic: THEY LET THE b***h GO!

Posted: 25 Jul 2011, 9:07 pm 

Replies: 305
Views: 20,958

Anthony was indicted for capital murder, premeditated. The prosecution did not make its case with the jury. Whatever the woman did with her kid the jury did not believe she murdered the kid. ruveyn If I was on the jury, I wouldn't have voted murder either. However, many of those protesting don't un...

 Forum: News and Current Events   Topic: THEY LET THE b***h GO!

Posted: 25 Jul 2011, 8:59 pm 

Replies: 305
Views: 20,958

Neither her fingerprints nor any other direct evidence of her participation was found on her daughter's body or in the vicinity of the scene. Casey Anthony even admitted she did something with Caylee. She claimed her girl drowned in a swimming pool; she didn't just leave her body there. So why is i...

 Forum: News and Current Events   Topic: THEY LET THE b***h GO!

Posted: 25 Jul 2011, 8:58 pm 

Replies: 305
Views: 20,958

That's what I meant when I responded to MotherKnowsBest's video exercise she got from her legal faculty. That's what I meant when I pointed out the differences between the video's example of the guy being accused of selling marijuana vs. the Casey Anthony case, is it within what's reasonable (beyond...

 Forum: News and Current Events   Topic: THEY LET THE b***h GO!

Posted: 25 Jul 2011, 8:56 pm 

Replies: 305
Views: 20,958

The difference between that fictional video your legal faculty gave you and what Casey Anthony did is what's considered within 'reasonable bounds'. But the trial is not about what every other person has done in those circumstances, it is about what this person did in these circumstances. Here is co...

 Forum: News and Current Events   Topic: THEY LET THE b***h GO!

Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 11:28 am 

Replies: 305
Views: 20,958

It would not be your job as a juror to determine whether you thought the defendant acted reasonably. Whether they're guilty of the crime they're charged with would be. You wouldn't get to make up your own private 'what I think is reasonable' standard. In that video MotherKnowsBest showed us, it's t...

 Forum: News and Current Events   Topic: THEY LET THE b***h GO!

Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 11:23 am 

Replies: 305
Views: 20,958

Here's how I believe the Casey Anthony case was way way different than that fictional court movie your faculty of law gave you to look at as an exercise. In that fictional court video you were given , the accused claimed the marijuana found in his car by the police was for his own personal medical ...

 Forum: News and Current Events   Topic: THEY LET THE b***h GO!

Posted: 23 Jul 2011, 11:47 pm 

Replies: 305
Views: 20,958

Wow, now I feel sorry for all the innocent people out there who looks like her. I say people who try and kill someone just because they thought she was Casey Anthony or do destruction because they thought she was Casey should be charged for it. People just need to learn to do the "what ifs" like wh...

 Forum: News and Current Events   Topic: THEY LET THE b***h GO!

Posted: 23 Jul 2011, 10:17 pm 

Replies: 305
Views: 20,958

Here's something you might all enjoy, produced by my Faculty of Law. A fictional interactive case (UK court) where you get to decide whether or not the accused is guilty; to see whether or not you have made that decision on the evidence; and to see how your verdict compares to other people. Open th...

 Forum: News and Current Events   Topic: THEY LET THE b***h GO!

Posted: 23 Jul 2011, 12:53 pm 

Replies: 305
Views: 20,958

You're dodging the point and completely taking me out of context! I am taking you literally and verbeitem. which is all I can do. I am an Aspie. ruveyn If you're taking me literally and verbeitem, where in that post above did I say you should put someone in jail before the fact? I only said just be...

 Forum: News and Current Events   Topic: THEY LET THE b***h GO!

Posted: 23 Jul 2011, 12:41 pm 

Replies: 305
Views: 20,958

The point for that one post you responded to wasn't that it's proven she's guilty (although I think so), but rather instead just because someone hasn't been shown in a court of law "guilty beyond reasonable doubt" doesn't mean they can't later commit more crimes. Many of those who believe there was...
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