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Forum: Games and Video Games Topic: Massively over-rated games |
fueledbycoffee |
Posted: 10 Aug 2013, 3:11 am
Replies: 98 Views: 22,874
Halo. That is all. Ok, I could probably list most mainstream titles, since I rarely have the same love for them as the majority of people out there. I actually don't even hate Halo. I just find it to be a mediocre fps series that is everything I dislike about the genre at this point. It certainly i... |
Forum: Games and Video Games Topic: Dragon's Crown. |
fueledbycoffee |
Posted: 10 Aug 2013, 2:55 am
Replies: 5 Views: 1,010
Well, I'm not gonna get a chance to finish it, as I'm moving across the country, but my best friend and I have been playing through the game, him as an elf, me as an amazon. My initial impression was very positive. It was almost like someone took a hub based RPG and applied the sidescrolling crazine... |
Forum: Games and Video Games Topic: do you find nintendo underrated |
fueledbycoffee |
Posted: 08 Aug 2013, 8:34 pm
Replies: 43 Views: 6,786
Nintendo can literally take bags of dog crap, write "Mario" or "Zelda" on them, ship them to stores, and they'd sell millions. Underrated my behind. Except they never have. I've been playing Nintendo my entire life, and every single game that bore the Mario name was extremely good for what it was, ... |
Forum: Games and Video Games Topic: What are some good cheap Wii games? |
fueledbycoffee |
Posted: 08 Aug 2013, 11:27 am
Replies: 18 Views: 4,570
I JUST bought it new two days ago for $20 at our local non-gamestop-trade-in place. And there's always Amazon. When they sell new, factory sealed Dreamcasts, I think you can find Okami, yes. |
Forum: Games and Video Games Topic: Resident Evil 7 storyline leaked! |
fueledbycoffee |
Posted: 07 Aug 2013, 11:57 am
Replies: 12 Views: 26,575
I like the sound of that. Resident Evil 4 was good, but a lot of it's mechanics and introductions are what made everything that came later suck. Like turning it into a shooter. As far as I'm concerned, the one that doesn't suck is still RE2. Going back to that will be sehr gut. |
Forum: Games and Video Games Topic: Emuparadise and building your own computer...? |
fueledbycoffee |
Posted: 07 Aug 2013, 11:42 am
Replies: 4 Views: 1,608
Emuparadise is pretty clean. I scanned all of mine and nothing seems to come up. As far as custom vs. prebuilt. What's the difference between one computer and another? Some people like to say that homebrews are universally more awesome, but high end Alienwares can trash most. What I CAN say is that ... |
Forum: Games and Video Games Topic: What are some good cheap Wii games? |
fueledbycoffee |
Posted: 07 Aug 2013, 11:31 am
Replies: 18 Views: 4,570
Monster Hunter Tri is pretty good, got it for $13.99. Okami is fantastic, new for $19.99. I have no idea what Twilight Princess is running these days. The problem with Wii games is that the great & almighty awesome games are all selling used for $40 around here, because they can. It annoys me. |
Forum: Television, Film, and Video Topic: What are the worst TV shows you have ever watched? |
fueledbycoffee |
Posted: 03 Aug 2013, 7:48 pm
Replies: 73 Views: 55,578
Girls is probably the only show that I haven't watched past the first two episodes. I have enjoyed some serious dreck in my day, but I have never, ever seen a dumber show. Poor humor and thoroughly unlikeable characters. I'm at a loss as to why the critics loved it so much. |
Forum: Games and Video Games Topic: How long is possible? |
fueledbycoffee |
Posted: 03 Aug 2013, 2:17 pm
Replies: 8 Views: 1,386
My record is 21.983 seconds. My average is between 17-20 seconds, if you discount the ones where I slam the square into the wall immediately out the gate.
Update: Well, my record is currently at 24 seconds. Calling it quits. |
Forum: Games and Video Games Topic: Older systems (Dreamcast and before) |
fueledbycoffee |
Posted: 02 Aug 2013, 10:13 pm
Replies: 6 Views: 1,226
Aha, a thread right up my alley. Well, I liked the NES & SNES, but primarily because they were my only options at the time. It wasn't until the fifth gen that I got to choose for myself, and that's when I really started to think about games, so that's where I'll focus. PSX - I loved this system ... |
Forum: Television, Film, and Video Topic: The Bridge |
fueledbycoffee |
Posted: 02 Aug 2013, 2:06 pm
Replies: 87 Views: 181,024
Well, personally, I'm enjoying it greatly. I think Demian Bichir's character is excellent, and far more interesting than Sonya. Having to deal with her, navigate the waters of Juarez politics, and investigate a murder? Excellent. I'm only 1.5 episodes in, however. As far as Sonya goes... She's way, ... |
Forum: Games and Video Games Topic: Road Trip Games |
fueledbycoffee |
Posted: 01 Aug 2013, 12:49 pm
Replies: 6 Views: 1,395
I've got a flight from Maryland to Hawaii coming up. My solution? Go buy a GBA. Buy four or five games. Cheapish, and will keep me occupied. |
Forum: Games and Video Games Topic: Video Game Addiction |
fueledbycoffee |
Posted: 01 Aug 2013, 12:44 pm
Replies: 4 Views: 1,324
Ay, the entire concept pisses me off... but I'll stay rational. There is no such thing as video game addiction. Some games are designed in such a way that you feel compelled to play, but no, as gaming does not alter your biochemistry to make you physically dependent, it is not true addiction. Someth... |
Forum: Games and Video Games Topic: The Greatest Generation |
fueledbycoffee |
Posted: 28 Jul 2013, 1:34 pm
Replies: 21 Views: 3,983
I honestly think a lot of the talk about video games being better in the past is often nostalgia. Also after you've experienced a ton of games over several years, everything about them is certainly less novel and engrossing. It's like drugs you would continuously need to keep upping the dosage to r... |
Forum: Games and Video Games Topic: The Greatest Generation |
fueledbycoffee |
Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 8:20 pm
Replies: 21 Views: 3,983
If you're fed up with modern RPGs such as Skyrim, Dragon's Dogma, or Dragon Age, then you could always try the first visual adventure game. The amazing 'Adventure' (available for Atari 2600) in which you play a heroic.... square. Traversing the giant-pixel environment, you seek the ultimate goal of... |
Forum: Games and Video Games Topic: The Greatest Generation |
fueledbycoffee |
Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 9:28 am
Replies: 21 Views: 3,983
You want geezing? I'll nominate Gunslinger for Atari. :lol: Haha, yeah, that's definitely geezing. Don't hit me! Mindslave, I think that's a pretty accurate analysis. The thing is, this focus on "graphics" doesn't actually do much for the game. Aesthetics, a unique visual style, is far more importa... |
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