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Forum: Women's Discussion Topic: Girly vs Tomboy |
Ai_Ling |
Posted: 04 Sep 2014, 1:31 pm
Replies: 50 Views: 9,056
For me whats weird is that I was more girly when I was younger maybe till 8 or 9. Then I just stopped caring, and was neither. When I was 18-20 I was trying to find myself, I found myself becoming a tomboy. I sorta grew into being a tomboy which is funny cause for most girls are the opposite. Im str... |
Forum: General Autism Discussion Topic: Asperger survey |
Ai_Ling |
Posted: 04 Sep 2014, 1:19 pm
Replies: 10 Views: 1,764
1- How many children in the family were diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome? 2- How many children in the family total? 3- What are the genders of the children? 4- What are the ages of the children? 5- At what age were they when diagnosed with AS? 6- Are there other family members (parents, grandparent... |
Forum: Women's Discussion Topic: How well do you pass? |
Ai_Ling |
Posted: 12 Aug 2014, 7:21 pm
Replies: 31 Views: 6,657
I dont really know. I pass pretty well as a neurotypical whos antisocial and has bad anxiety issues. Thats how a lot of people that dont know perceive me as. Although, I've had horrible anxiety issues last year at school. The new school will be starting soon so I will see what its like to have my pe... |
Forum: Love and Dating Topic: Claim promiscuity is frequently observed in women with AS? |
Ai_Ling |
Posted: 08 Aug 2014, 3:36 pm
Replies: 70 Views: 12,578
I find that claim to be somewhat bizarre. The aspie women I know all supposidly come off as innocent with a lack of sex and dating experiance. Or if they are promiscuous, hide the fact that they are. I dont know what societies standards of promiscuous and I dont know if I would be considered normal ... |
Forum: Social Skills and Making Friends Topic: bad with friends,good with relationship |
Ai_Ling |
Posted: 22 May 2014, 4:56 pm
Replies: 8 Views: 1,109
I wouldnt say I am good at getting into a relationship but Im fairly decent at getting dates. And I have trouble making friends. This is my explanation for that. One, I get dates online which is a lot easier. I cant get dates in person. I suck at making connections in person, I'd perfer not get make... |
Forum: General Autism Discussion Topic: Is ASD doctor-led or patient-led? |
Ai_Ling |
Posted: 22 May 2014, 9:49 am
Replies: 17 Views: 1,585
It can be either way. Although for an adult, I'd suspect a patient led diagnosis would happen more often. For me, I was actually more of a doctor-led diagnosis as an adult. I was actually a senior in highschool, technically 18 tho. And I was turned into this psych for a diagnosis by the school couns... |
Forum: Social Skills and Making Friends Topic: Work in friendships |
Ai_Ling |
Posted: 03 May 2014, 1:10 pm
Replies: 2 Views: 481
I was wondering if you guys have to "work" in friendships, and the person your friends with has to "work" too. I recently had a falling out with a friend and one of the things he said, "hes never had to work this hard in a friendship before". For most people, friendships just exist. For me, I've alw... |
Forum: General Autism Discussion Topic: can someone explain me black and white thinking? |
Ai_Ling |
Posted: 29 Apr 2014, 11:38 pm
Replies: 45 Views: 2,361
I find myself to be a rather black and white thinker. I try not to, although when I its hard to think in color or gradients. When I come into situations that have more than one variable, no straight answer, I get confused. For me, it can be its either right or its wrong. One that I was really hung u... |
Forum: Women's Discussion Topic: Is being lady-like a bad thing? |
Ai_Ling |
Posted: 22 Apr 2014, 9:17 pm
Replies: 13 Views: 1,376
Oh definetly, I have a habit of speaking my mind too much. I dont have much tact although I've tried hard to develop some tact over the past few yrs. If you want to strive to become ladylike then thats fine but if you dont want to then thats fine too. I dont think you should be obligating anyone to ... |
Forum: Social Skills and Making Friends Topic: I got a free friend, and no idea what to do with her. |
Ai_Ling |
Posted: 18 Feb 2014, 2:29 am
Replies: 22 Views: 2,717
yeah sometimes these set up friendships dont always work, sometimes they do. Its really not a guarentee just to set up a friendship especially when working with us aspies. Well I dont know about other aspie, I dont just get along with anyone and I'm very adamant about the person being friends cause ... |
Forum: Social Skills and Making Friends Topic: Do true friendships exist anymore? |
Ai_Ling |
Posted: 18 Feb 2014, 2:13 am
Replies: 16 Views: 6,644
I guess Im different then everyone else. I mostly make friendships with meaning (or i think they have). Its hard for me to have superficial friends. I cant maintain acquintances very well. I dont really know what to do. I kinda have that all or nothing perception which makes things difficult at times. |
Forum: Women's Discussion Topic: Heels? |
Ai_Ling |
Posted: 16 Feb 2014, 8:05 pm
Replies: 29 Views: 4,579
Is any aspie female here that is fond of heels (not even high heels?)
I went to a nice dinner last week and I wore 2 inch heels and my feet hurt like a b***h, I was stumbling around in them too. They were also very annoying because they shorten my stride and they werent even high. |
Forum: School and College Life Topic: Coping with social anxiety aspects |
Ai_Ling |
Posted: 01 Feb 2014, 6:49 pm
Replies: 3 Views: 1,167
Yeah I contacted the health center and I am on the list for a group therapy although the facilitator is still trying to get enough people so I dont know when its gonna start. |
Forum: School and College Life Topic: Coping with social anxiety aspects |
Ai_Ling |
Posted: 31 Jan 2014, 5:09 pm
Replies: 3 Views: 1,167
So I started grad school this past Aug at a very small graduate school. In a way its kinda like being in a small highschool. The thing we all have the same classes and see the same people everyday. The thing is that I have major social confusion and acquintance anxiety. I get really uncomfortable wi... |
Forum: General Autism Discussion Topic: Weaker Relations with Siblings? |
Ai_Ling |
Posted: 16 Jan 2014, 1:23 pm
Replies: 25 Views: 2,021
Yeah I have very weak relations with my siblings. When I was a child, my relations were ok. Somewhere along the line, I started growing into adult, making huge changes, while my siblings were away in college and lost it with them. I seemingly have forgotten how to interact with them. Its a bit weird. |
Forum: General Autism Discussion Topic: Having Autism is Like Watching a Poorly Dubbed Movie?? WTF? |
Ai_Ling |
Posted: 16 Jan 2014, 12:56 pm
Replies: 53 Views: 3,500
I guess I am probably one of those who are more mild on the spectrum but the poorly dubbed foreign film metaphor is actually quite accurate for me. My sensory issues are very mild in comparison to most on the spectrum. The only time sensory issues really bother my concentration is in very loud, lot ... |
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