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 Forum: Parents' Discussion   Topic: Pretty sure 10yr old daughter has aspergers

Posted: 19 May 2011, 1:08 pm 

Replies: 13
Views: 2,235

I think that may be very helpful in the future that she is so ridgid about following rules. My son was/is fantasy boy and my daughter is anxiety boy. From what I understand she has no coping mechanism yet so she is a mess. Rules, fantasy, ocd etc are coping mechanisms. I know she has it now, but I c...

 Forum: Parents' Discussion   Topic: Hiya newbie here on a daughter with Aspergers/Asd

Posted: 19 May 2011, 1:01 pm 

Replies: 5
Views: 1,366

I have a son with AS who is 16 and a daughter who I'm sure is AS and is almost 8 but she doesn't have the diagnosis yet. It sounds like she definetely has "You Tube" as her current special interest. You need set some boundaries with her. Maybe a chart or something where she needs to earn her "You Tu...

 Forum: Parents' Discussion   Topic: Pretty sure 10yr old daughter has aspergers

Posted: 18 May 2011, 1:54 pm 

Replies: 13
Views: 2,235

What stands out for me is that she follows rules all the time. There are various subtypes of AS and one of them is called "Rule Boy". It describes a child who, because his/her world is so unpredictable to him/her they revolve everything they do around the "rules" to help them cope with their life.

 Forum: Parents' Discussion   Topic: Second child with Aspergers?

 Post subject: Thanks!
Posted: 09 May 2011, 12:28 pm 

Replies: 15
Views: 4,249

Pretty sure she has it now. It's all becoming clear. Going to have the psychologist that diagnosed my son do an eval on her. The schools psychologist's report on her was exactly the same as my son's when he was 10 - said she had ADHD, Anxiety and Bipolar. She doesn't have bipolar... It also showed v...

 Forum: Parents' Discussion   Topic: Second child with Aspergers?

Posted: 09 Apr 2011, 9:30 am 

Replies: 15
Views: 4,249

We are in Maine. Your girls do sound just like my daughter. Wow... Exactly the same as far as the behaviors. I totally get what you are saying about being tired of the rewards/consequences when they just "don't get it" regardless. As a mom with a son who has Aspergers, I know it can be a long and wi...

 Forum: Parents' Discussion   Topic: Second child with Aspergers?

Posted: 07 Apr 2011, 6:24 am 

Replies: 15
Views: 4,249

Thanks for all the responses! She is currently being evaluated through the school for everything. Her primary issues are immaturity (by at least two years like my AS son), lack of ability to carry over social experiences to make better future decisions, yelling, persevating on topics, talking endles...

 Forum: Parents' Discussion   Topic: Stepmom? Honest Advice Please

Posted: 26 Mar 2011, 1:02 pm 

Replies: 36
Views: 5,717

It is definetely a personal decision. Being a step-parent is not easy to begin with and then with the autism added on, it is difficult. My biological son who has Aspergers does not have a great relationship with my husband, even after my husband being in the picture for over 12 years. And I am a ste...

 Forum: Parents' Discussion   Topic: Second child with Aspergers?

Posted: 25 Mar 2011, 3:36 pm 

Replies: 15
Views: 4,249

Just to add a couple more reasons of how I think it may be Aspergers. She is all about cats. Reading books, buying stuffed animals, acting like a cat, etc and has for years. She has an IQ of 126. She has a large variability on her Wisc between her average verbal comprehension/perceptual and low work...

 Forum: Parents' Discussion   Topic: Second child with Aspergers?

Posted: 25 Mar 2011, 2:00 pm 

Replies: 15
Views: 4,249

I already have a son with Aspergers who was diagnosed at 11 and is now 16. He has gone through many years of difficulties but now is extremely successful other than having no interest in developing relationships with his peers. My daughter is almost 8. They have different fathers. I never thought my...
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