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 Forum: Adult Autism Issues   Topic: Favorite curse word

Posted: 27 Aug 2011, 1:39 am 

Replies: 93
Views: 1,483

My favorite curse words are Norwegian(which i am trying to learn). longest phrase before i start laughing: jævla drittsekk kuk sugere faen. Sounds SOOOO much more polite to swear in other languages :D

 Forum: The Haven   Topic: Rants

 Post subject: The reason I LOATHE NT's
Posted: 27 Aug 2011, 12:58 am 

Replies: 9,451
Views: 702,230

As a test today, I wore a T-shirt that had "AUTISTIC NINJA" printed on it. But, apparently I mixed it up with my "treat me like a mentally deficient 3 year old" shirt. I've had people stare at my shirt and then treat me like (ahem) CRAP at a RED CROSS blood station while donating, and had someone at...

 Forum: General Autism Discussion   Topic: "You Don't Look Autistic"

Posted: 29 Apr 2011, 4:14 am 

Replies: 82
Views: 9,507

I was actually told one day by my mother that, while she was at work, someone saw a photo of me (must have been taken while i wasn't looking), and said I don't look autistic. I tried SOOOOO hard not to flip out. Granted, sometimes it is good to "blend in", but other times I want to stand out as far ...

 Forum: Autism Politics, Activism, and Media Representation   Topic: Aspies and "Obsessions"

Posted: 21 Apr 2011, 7:25 pm 

Replies: 28
Views: 5,472

My main obsessions (which drive my WHOLE family nuts) are Numbers, different languages and how they compare to English, War and why people start them, and pointing out/correcting other people's grammatical errors. I USED to be obsessed with electronics, but after taking many of them apart and not be...
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