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Forum: LGBT Discussion Topic: She says she a lesbain but... |
White-Rose-Tree |
Posted: 04 Oct 2011, 11:57 pm
Replies: 8 Views: 2,391
I mean... speaking as a lesbian, what she's doing sounds totally bizarre. While I have wished straight girls were bi, I have never wished guys were girls... that would require actually thinking about guys  |
Forum: LGBT Discussion Topic: She says she a lesbain but... |
White-Rose-Tree |
Posted: 04 Oct 2011, 11:54 pm
Replies: 8 Views: 2,391
You'd be surprised to know how many lesbian/gays are actually bisexual. Often it's just that it feel simpler and easier for them to choose a side. Sometimes they like feminine men/masculine women but these are so rare that they don't consider them and just say that they are lesbian/gay. Try to enha... |
Forum: Love and Dating Topic: My ongoing efforts in self control and abstinence |
White-Rose-Tree |
Posted: 04 Oct 2011, 11:27 pm
Replies: 18 Views: 2,548
THANK YOU. This is something I'm struggling with as well. If the choice is between being yourself and doing the work you're called to, or being fake and chasing distractions... well, the right choice seems self-evident to me. Hormones be damned. It's encouraging to hear of an honest success story su... |
Forum: General Autism Discussion Topic: Aspie Sense of Humor? |
White-Rose-Tree |
Posted: 29 Aug 2011, 9:17 am
Replies: 110 Views: 13,899
Hark! A Vagrant
For those among you who are history nerds, you should take a look at this webcomic - Kate Beaton has done many clever (or at least absurd) history/literary jokes. The link is to one of my favourites (I laugh out loud THINKING about this one).
Forum: General Autism Discussion Topic: Aspie Sense of Humor? |
White-Rose-Tree |
Posted: 29 Aug 2011, 8:50 am
Replies: 110 Views: 13,899
I'm noticing a common pattern in autistic humor: dry, sarcastic, dark, witty. And absurd? My grandmother once described my sense of humour as "ghoulish." Possibly I was telling her how hilarious Shakespeare's "Richard III" was at the time, I've noticed other people think this is odd. I also like Mo... |
Forum: General Autism Discussion Topic: Tick tock tick tock |
White-Rose-Tree |
Posted: 29 Aug 2011, 8:38 am
Replies: 21 Views: 2,514
Nope, that's not weird. I find many different rhytmic (or repetitive) "background" sounds relaxing and comforting - ticking clocks, fans, crickets/frogs, air conditioning, etc. Though, I also know a girl (definitely NT) who can't stand ticking clocks, so I suppose it's all a matter of personal prefe... |
Forum: Random Discussion Topic: bradt4evrs cultural heritage thread, share ur heritage :) |
White-Rose-Tree |
Posted: 19 Aug 2011, 10:29 pm
Replies: 25 Views: 2,557
I should add that I look very Irish as well. As in, I went to Ireland, and most people looked like they could be my family, compared to the people - even those of Western European ancestry - here in the States  |
Forum: Random Discussion Topic: bradt4evrs cultural heritage thread, share ur heritage :) |
White-Rose-Tree |
Posted: 19 Aug 2011, 10:24 pm
Replies: 25 Views: 2,557
At least 70% Irish, maybe 50% famine-emigrant Galway Irish. The rest is older Irish-American, Ulster Scots, and English. So far as I know, my heritage isn't too interesting - lots of hobos, poor people, horse/car thieves, etc. - though my Grandpa Moore started a toy company and my Granddad Furey was... |
Forum: LGBT Discussion Topic: How did you know you were gay/bi? |
White-Rose-Tree |
Posted: 19 Aug 2011, 11:02 am
Replies: 77 Views: 55,692
puddingmouse wrote: White-Rose-Tree wrote: none of the girls like me back so there's no problem  Well, I know how that feels. 
We're just too cool for them, clearly  |
Forum: Women's Discussion Topic: Ugh...sick of having breasts |
White-Rose-Tree |
Posted: 18 Aug 2011, 9:10 pm
Replies: 43 Views: 5,836
She's 22...? I'm 22, I've been the size I am since I was 16. And they don't make minimizers in my size! It's bad right now because most clothing manufactured for young people is made for a waif-like figure to fit well and look good in, because that's the popular model sillhouette. The alternative is... |
Forum: LGBT Discussion Topic: Gays are loved and made by God! |
White-Rose-Tree |
Posted: 18 Aug 2011, 8:40 pm
Replies: 32 Views: 7,122
Thank you for saying this. Too often, everyone either hates on LGBT people or ridicules religion (this is one of the kindest discussion threads I've seen). Well, it was my faith that made me feel accepted, as everything I am, gay and everything else. God's love is constant, regardless of what people... |
Forum: LGBT Discussion Topic: How did you know you were gay/bi? |
White-Rose-Tree |
Posted: 18 Aug 2011, 8:26 pm
Replies: 77 Views: 55,692
I had a huge crush on my class's assistant teacher, Miss Melzer. She smiled a lot, and had red ringlets. I also liked one of the students, who was this really pretty girl my own age, this time. This was... 2nd grade. I was seven. Since then all my crushes have been glasses-wearing blondes named Kate... |
Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion Topic: What religion are you? |
White-Rose-Tree |
Posted: 18 Aug 2011, 8:04 pm
Replies: 79 Views: 6,899
Christian. When I was a teenager I decided I was an atheist. But I was really messed up at the time, and was trying to not ask questions, and be normal and cool. In college I converted to Christianity. I'm now one of those overeducated, joyful Christians, the type the atheists I know avoid. I'm very... |
Forum: Random Discussion Topic: taking a shower/bath |
White-Rose-Tree |
Posted: 18 Aug 2011, 11:17 am
Replies: 25 Views: 2,349
Jory wrote: I would sell them on eBay as pets.
I'm picturing a goldfish-sized e. coli swimming around in an old-fashioned fishbowl. Awww  |
Forum: Random Discussion Topic: Whats your current obsession? |
White-Rose-Tree |
Posted: 18 Aug 2011, 11:14 am
Replies: 173 Views: 15,451
I know, I especially liked the pfifltriggi and the description of the lake. I only read the first one because I was told the second one was confusing from my uncle (who has read A LOT of books in his life). I used to be obsessed with alien books when I was younger (haha, I think I read all the book... |
Forum: General Autism Discussion Topic: AS & Imagination |
White-Rose-Tree |
Posted: 18 Aug 2011, 11:11 am
Replies: 23 Views: 2,709
I've always had a very active imagination. I have an imaginary world called Aspergeria which is where all of my imaginary friends live. My imaginary friends are always based on my special interests, so whenever my special interests change, so does my roster of imaginary friends. In addition to the ... |
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