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 Forum: Art, Writing, and Music   Topic: Post a song from your year of birth!

Posted: 22 Oct 2011, 11:19 pm 

Replies: 64
Views: 6,542


 Forum: Art, Writing, and Music   Topic: Autistic artists?

Posted: 22 Oct 2011, 11:05 pm 

Replies: 14
Views: 2,231

While I think I understand what you mean by drawing 'realistically', this is a subjective matter. The Cubists felt they were creating 'realistic' paintings because they were trying to depict different views of a persons face at once, on a two-dimensional canvas. That being said, try reducing what yo...

 Forum: Art, Writing, and Music   Topic: If you like weird music

Posted: 22 Oct 2011, 10:57 pm 

Replies: 52
Views: 6,420

Portishead has been described by some as "Trip-Hop." Other groups in this genre include Massive Attack and Life In Mono. I don't understand what would make one call it "weird", other than it isn't Black Eyed Peas, Lady Gaga, fill in the blank artist-that's-popular-this-fifteen-minutes. For weirder s...

 Forum: Art, Writing, and Music   Topic: Anyone here like classical music?

Posted: 22 Oct 2011, 10:26 pm 

Replies: 32
Views: 4,231

Beethoven's symphonies #7 and #9
Mozart's Requiem
Carl Orff "Carmina Burana"
Barber's Adagio
"Music for the Funeral of Queen Mary" forget the composer but it's what Wendy (Walter) Carlos based the theme of "A Clockwork Orange" on

 Forum: Art, Writing, and Music   Topic: THAT ONE song that saves your soul every time

Posted: 22 Oct 2011, 10:14 pm 

Replies: 33
Views: 4,209

Dead Can Dance "The Host Of Seraphim." I tried to post a youtube link but I'm too new here.

 Forum: Art, Writing, and Music   Topic: Are aspies more passionate and receptive to music?

Posted: 22 Oct 2011, 10:10 pm 

Replies: 11
Views: 1,776

YES!! Sometimes I'll be listening to my mp3 player at work and I have to try, make a physical effort, not to cry when certain songs play. Even if I've heard them 1,000 times, I could've heard the same song the day before with no reaction, but at some particular moments I'm overcome with emotion. Mos...

 Forum: Computers, Math, Science, and Technology   Topic: Dark Matter and Dark Energy

Posted: 22 Oct 2011, 10:05 pm 

Replies: 28
Views: 4,294

I think science is not quite ready to grasp the concept that the universe is co-created by our collective conscious awareness of it, which amounts to it being imbued with a tremendous amount of conscious and unconscious energy at all times. So they just call it 'dark matter' and 'dark energy' becaus...

 Forum: General Autism Discussion   Topic: Walking on tiptoes?

Posted: 22 Oct 2011, 9:45 pm 

Replies: 100
Views: 56,228

I've earned the nickname "Tippy." Need I say more.
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