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Forum: LGBT Discussion Topic: i'm going to kill myself |
AspieRoss |
Posted: 08 Dec 2011, 12:15 pm
Replies: 8 Views: 3,655
I had a friend who changed her name legally when she was around 17. Her parents had to go to court with her, but it only took like a half hour, once the judge heard her case. |
Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion Topic: Gay History in School Textbooks |
AspieRoss |
Posted: 08 Dec 2011, 12:01 pm
Replies: 132 Views: 8,407
How can anyone know who was really gay from history? Michael Angelo? Who knows... were you there? Being gay could cost a person their life back then, and still can in some cases. How can ANYONE from today really know the sexuality of people who lived before us? They can't unless there is evidence...... |
Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion Topic: Whost else thinks cremation should be banned? |
AspieRoss |
Posted: 08 Dec 2011, 11:54 am
Replies: 142 Views: 14,476
In one of my first English classes in college, we read a paper on the embalming process. This is the worst way to "honor" the dead person, since they suck out the fluids, stuff with padding and preservatives, sew the mouth closed (and eyes sometimes), it's really gross and an insult to the dead. *No... |
Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion Topic: Is birth control a sin and wrong ? |
AspieRoss |
Posted: 08 Dec 2011, 11:42 am
Replies: 57 Views: 6,139
Jesus actually liked cripples and lepers so much, that he spent MOST of his time on earth with them.
I wish people would stop giving any Media attention to that misguided bigot from the Westboro church. |
Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion Topic: Is birth control a sin and wrong ? |
AspieRoss |
Posted: 08 Dec 2011, 11:38 am
Replies: 57 Views: 6,139
Attention Right-to-Lifers: If birth control is wrong, because you are playing god by not fertilizing an egg that "god" wants to become a child.. THEN so is Invitro-Fertilization! *May be god doesn't want you to get pregnant, and getting invitro is AGAINST his/her will! Also: How many of you PRO-LIFE... |
Forum: Politics, Philosophy, and Religion Topic: Obama's appeal -- I get it. |
AspieRoss |
Posted: 08 Dec 2011, 11:33 am
Replies: 14 Views: 2,370
Obama has not only escalated the failed policies of the previous spokesmodel/president of the US, but he increased the failed policies by increasing the wars, not closing Guantanimo Bay (excuse spelling errors), giving millions of FREE money to the big private banks, closing down the Medical Marijua... |
Forum: Adult Autism Issues Topic: I got a tattoo! |
AspieRoss |
Posted: 08 Dec 2011, 11:06 am
Replies: 14 Views: 266
The real Chinese Laughing Buddha was NOT actually a Buddha, he was a Chinese emperor who was so loved by his people, that they "elevated" him to the status of a Buddha.
The real Buddha was very skinny and originated in the Nepal/India area. (I used to be into tibetan buddhism) |
Forum: Adult Autism Issues Topic: Are you an arse man/woman? |
AspieRoss |
Posted: 08 Dec 2011, 10:59 am
Replies: 146 Views: 1,669
As a gay man and one who appreciates beauty.... YES! I love a nice perky, small round, tight butt. |
Forum: Adult Autism Issues Topic: bit of a gross obsession |
AspieRoss |
Posted: 08 Dec 2011, 10:55 am
Replies: 15 Views: 470
If you answered yes to the above question... you have Herpes! |
Forum: Adult Autism Issues Topic: Offputted by other's suggestions |
AspieRoss |
Posted: 08 Dec 2011, 10:53 am
Replies: 7 Views: 173
Take the advice that Ben Stiller's character took in "There's Something About Mary". Pleasure yourself to completion an hour or more before you're planning to have sex with someone else. You take a bullet out of the chamber, and it keeps the pressure off, making you less likely to launch before you'... |
Forum: Bipolar, Tourettes, Schizophrenia, and other Psychological Conditions Topic: Anybody else dissociating? How do you stop it? |
AspieRoss |
Posted: 07 Dec 2011, 12:03 pm
Replies: 36 Views: 9,336
I have always daydreamed or spaced-out, ever since I was very young. Usually I am in a very boring or stressful situation, my eyes get glassy, I stare into space and enter a dream-like state. It happened much more when I was younger, but still happens on occasion. It freaks people out because my eye... |
Forum: Bipolar, Tourettes, Schizophrenia, and other Psychological Conditions Topic: Personal insults. |
AspieRoss |
Posted: 07 Dec 2011, 11:54 am
Replies: 18 Views: 13,380
Ever catch yourself calling yourself a name? This happens a lot with me. I tend to say things like "you stupid fck" or something like that. Lately I am trying to stop doing that. I was listening to a health show on the radio (WBAI NYC) and the person was talking about being your own worst enemy, how... |
Forum: Bipolar, Tourettes, Schizophrenia, and other Psychological Conditions Topic: [] Depression and Aspergers [] |
AspieRoss |
Posted: 07 Dec 2011, 11:37 am
Replies: 13 Views: 2,888
I believe many people who think they are depressed are actually just sad about something. If you lose your job or a friend, or if you break up with a boyfriend - these are all events in life that can make us sad, which is a completely NORMAL feeling. To much of psychiatry today is about drugging the... |
Forum: Social Skills and Making Friends Topic: Aspie tokers? |
AspieRoss |
Posted: 07 Dec 2011, 11:16 am
Replies: 60 Views: 10,107
I'm not sure I understand the poster who said : "That was fine back in high school, but its time to grow up" What does that mean? Most heavy tokers are actually adults (who can afford it!). Being a former Deadhead, I can say that I have met young teens and old retirees that enjoy having a High Time ... |
Forum: LGBT Discussion Topic: Childhood Trauma and Sexual Orientation |
AspieRoss |
Posted: 02 Dec 2011, 5:08 pm
Replies: 18 Views: 10,013
May be it's the other way around. It could be that child abusers can sense that a child is "different" and then the abuser acts on that. So they didn't become gay from getting abused, they were targeted with abuse - because an adult "thinks" that they ARE gay or different.
Just an idea. |
Forum: Health, Fitness, and Sports Topic: Low Blood Pressure |
AspieRoss |
Posted: 02 Dec 2011, 4:43 pm
Replies: 8 Views: 3,086
AUGUST 12, 2011 TIMES OF INDIA | Aug 11, 2011, 12.00AM IST We all know that fish and chips wouldn't be the same without salt. However, scientists have now claimed that t... |
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