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 Forum: Love and Dating   Topic: Shut down or lost interest?

Posted: 01 Mar 2016, 3:00 pm 

Replies: 7
Views: 685

At this point, I just like him. No romantic feelings yet. I don't bother him with emotions either. In fact, I haven't asked him how he felt, what his intentions are, what he expects from me, if he wants a relationship and all that. We just talked. As for the aspies here: Do aspies ever make a move o...

 Forum: Love and Dating   Topic: Shut down or lost interest?

Posted: 01 Mar 2016, 2:49 pm 

Replies: 7
Views: 685

I don't think he went "cold". He probably had nothing more to talk about. Just text him again, and ask him for another date. :mrgreen: Really? I guess that could be it but I don't know if I should ask for another date. He comes from a different culture than me in which men are supposed to...

 Forum: Love and Dating   Topic: Shut down or lost interest?

Posted: 01 Mar 2016, 2:35 pm 

Replies: 7
Views: 685

We had our second date last week. It was slightly more awkward than the first one but I still like him. I guess he likes me too because as he walked me over to the station, he came really close to the point of walking against me. When we said our goodbyes, I asked him if "this was it" as i...

 Forum: Love and Dating   Topic: Shut down or lost interest?

 Post subject: Shut down or lost interest?
Posted: 01 Mar 2016, 1:32 pm 

Replies: 7
Views: 685

I have been going out with a guy that I suspect has Asperger's. He hasn't verbally confirmed this to me yet but I have picked up some cues. Anyway, my question relates to the following; when a person with Asperger's texts you every day and then suddenly goes cold on you... Is that normal behavior? A...

 Forum: Love and Dating   Topic: Is this typical of Asperger's?

Posted: 27 Feb 2016, 3:09 pm 

Replies: 10
Views: 813

I think he should contact me first. Not sure if he will though.

 Forum: Love and Dating   Topic: Is this typical of Asperger's?

Posted: 27 Feb 2016, 1:50 pm 

Replies: 10
Views: 813

You're welcome. He could be fretting, or if he's like me, he could just be lost in a special interest, a bit nervous of seeming pushy, or just very busy. Whether he is autistic or not, he certainly sounds very much an introvert. Introverts don't necessarily dislike people - we can be as loving and ...

 Forum: Love and Dating   Topic: Is this typical of Asperger's?

Posted: 27 Feb 2016, 9:45 am 

Replies: 10
Views: 813

I can remember earlier in my life (and not knowing then that I was autistic), behaving similarly to the guy in question - but I don't think we know enough about him to be certain that he is autistic (or any other specific condition). And please do remember, even if he does have a clinical condition...

 Forum: Love and Dating   Topic: Is this typical of Asperger's?

Posted: 26 Feb 2016, 4:01 pm 

Replies: 10
Views: 813

I recently turned to online dating after my long term relationship came to an end. There is this expat guy who has been living in my country for a while and who has been messaging me. Those conversations were always intense in the sense that he frequently switched topics or mentioned something rando...

 Forum: Love and Dating   Topic: Which country produces the best women.....

Posted: 14 Aug 2012, 4:22 am 

Replies: 24
Views: 4,093

"Flemish women" are not on your list... In the Middle Ages, Flemish women were considered the most beautiful in Europe, because of the textile industry that was booming there. They were all well-dressed and that's still visible on paintings from that time: Rubens, Van Dijck, Van Eyck, etc... Most p...

 Forum: Love and Dating   Topic: Which country produces the best women.....

Posted: 13 Aug 2012, 3:57 pm 

Replies: 24
Views: 4,093

"Flemish women" are not on your list... In the Middle Ages, Flemish women were considered the most beautiful in Europe, because of the textile industry that was booming there. They were all well-dressed and that's still visible on paintings from that time: Rubens, Van Dijck, Van Eyck, etc...

 Forum: Love and Dating   Topic: I want to know how I can help my woman out?

Posted: 12 Aug 2012, 4:48 am 

Replies: 15
Views: 2,550

If you haven't met her in real life yet, how can you say that you are in a "relationship"? Did you meet this person on a website or did they initiate communication with you over email? This sounds a lot like an internet scam. Have a look at this website:

 Forum: Love and Dating   Topic: Having trouble to set dates with lovers or friends?

Posted: 01 Aug 2012, 4:34 pm 

Replies: 11
Views: 1,401

Ok thanks! Looking forward to your message in my inbox! Your comments have been very helpful so far!

 Forum: Love and Dating   Topic: Having trouble to set dates with lovers or friends?

Posted: 01 Aug 2012, 4:00 pm 

Replies: 11
Views: 1,401

I sometimes walk away from parties, or small gatherings while the night is still young for the same reasons I like this response. That is exactly what my female Aspie friend does all the time! Whenever we are having a good time, she suddenly leaves for no apparent reason (to us), although she has a...

 Forum: Love and Dating   Topic: Having trouble to set dates with lovers or friends?

Posted: 01 Aug 2012, 1:45 pm 

Replies: 11
Views: 1,401

I sometimes walk away from parties, or small gatherings while the night is still young for the same reasons I like this response. That is exactly what my female Aspie friend does all the time! Whenever we are having a good time, she suddenly leaves for no apparent reason (to us), although she has a...

 Forum: Love and Dating   Topic: Having trouble to set dates with lovers or friends?

Posted: 31 Jul 2012, 4:58 pm 

Replies: 11
Views: 1,401

So here is the deal: I recently discovered that a friend of mine (a female) has Asperger's, which explains a lot of her odd behaviors. However, one thing struck me the most: she mentioned that she has trouble making plans in advance with people. 1) She has difficulties saying "no" to people and 2) w...

 Forum: Love and Dating   Topic: NTs, what did you see in your Aspie partners?

Posted: 17 Jul 2012, 12:44 pm 

Replies: 28
Views: 4,008

Although I am single now, my last relationship was with a guy that potentially had AS. I met him very randomly at an event and I had to work "hard" to get his attention, meaning I had to ask him if he wanted to go for a drink afterwards and he agreed. In the bar, we talked for hours and hours and we...
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