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 Forum: General Autism Discussion   Topic: Socially stupid

 Post subject: Re: Socially stupid
Posted: 19 Dec 2012, 12:09 am 

Replies: 6
Views: 1,012

As a recent kinda diagnosed aspie (have been told I have it but never tested for it) what is the best way to deal with a friend who sometimes would call you in their words "socially ret*d" and think you are giving them a hard time by not reading their social cues on purpose or ignoring them? I thou...

 Forum: General Autism Discussion   Topic: Socially stupid

Posted: 19 Dec 2012, 12:06 am 

Replies: 6
Views: 1,012

Sorry that happened to you. That doesn't sound like a very good friend. If they are the kind of person that would call a friend (!) such a thing, do you think they would respond well to an explanation to what "causes" whatever they feel they have the right to decry? They will still view it as this ...

 Forum: General Autism Discussion   Topic: Socially stupid

 Post subject: Socially stupid
Posted: 18 Dec 2012, 8:42 pm 

Replies: 6
Views: 1,012

As a recent kinda diagnosed aspie (have been told I have it but never tested for it) what is the best way to deal with a friend who sometimes would call you in their words "socially ret*d" and think you are giving them a hard time by not reading their social cues on purpose or ignoring them? I thoug...
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