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 Forum: Parents' Discussion   Topic: Kids say the darndest things

Posted: 05 Jun 2013, 8:08 pm 

Replies: 608
Views: 329,228

As we know, our spectrum kids can be charmingly uninhibited in comparison to the average kid their age...Scene-pulling into a fast food parking lot with Mom, grown son and daughter after chattering the whole trip trills "How will I know when I get my period?"...her Dad smiled in spite of hi...

 Forum: Parents' Discussion   Topic: Coping with Puberty...

Posted: 09 May 2013, 8:11 am 

Replies: 10
Views: 9,544

Thank you thank you for the encouragement so far but can you clarify who is who is who in the school board and school? I don't know who can advocate for us. There is the case manager for special ed who seems all smiles and totally clueless. I think the only information he has is what the teacher wri...

 Forum: Parents' Discussion   Topic: How did you feel after your baby was born?

Posted: 07 May 2013, 9:38 pm 

Replies: 21
Views: 6,311

I often wonder if I'm an undiagnosed Aspie, I'm new here so I don't know, but from all I've read...I was labeled ADHD, LD, in the early 60's they didn't diagnose stuff so well. But from what I've read about Asperger's it might explain a lot, plus perhaps why my older kids wandered so far off the map...

 Forum: Parents' Discussion   Topic: Coping with Puberty...

Posted: 07 May 2013, 9:25 pm 

Replies: 10
Views: 9,544

I actually feel a bit better, the pen is mightier than the sword and all of that. I wrote an anonymous email to the super of schools. I'm an English Major, I can write in High English when I want to...just basically telling him about the situation and how disappointed I am that a school in his distr...

 Forum: Parents' Discussion   Topic: Coping with Puberty...

 Post subject: Coping with Puberty...
Posted: 06 May 2013, 2:58 pm 

Replies: 10
Views: 9,544

8O Hello All, I'm new here, was looking up a support forum and the name Wrong Planet caught my attention. I was just thinking of the "Holland" poem the other day, wrong planet says it well too. My daughter is 12 and on the spectrum with retardation and learning disorders. Just so frustrating with th...
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