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Forum: Parents' Discussion Topic: Raised by Aspergers parent |
Jenufa |
Posted: 15 Nov 2013, 6:49 am
Replies: 625 Views: 447,456
Many thanks, all. Sorry about the hyperbolic moment - I was just trying to condense a sentiment. Why am I sure my mother is AS? Well, my view is much influenced by my sister, a neuroscientist, who happened upon Aspergers in the course of her psychology studies. She says that she thinks Mum has trace... |
Forum: Parents' Discussion Topic: Raised by Aspergers parent |
Jenufa |
Posted: 14 Nov 2013, 4:34 pm
Replies: 625 Views: 447,456
Um, so AS doesn't actually exist? Or AS only results in positive behaviour? Or anyone who behaves badly is not AS, or any AS person who behaves in a way that an NT person perceives as bad does so for reasons other than AS? Or is it just that my Mum is a b***h? I'm a bit confused... |
Forum: Parents' Discussion Topic: Raised by Aspergers parent |
Jenufa |
Posted: 14 Nov 2013, 2:13 pm
Replies: 625 Views: 447,456
Thanks, Adamantium. BuyerBeware, you write, "If I ever figure out how to manage being self-aware without the concomitant implication of being broken, defective, hopeless, diseased, and inherently wholly and only to blame for any problems that arise-- well, I promise y'all will be the first to know h... |
Forum: Parents' Discussion Topic: Raised by Aspergers parent |
Jenufa |
Posted: 12 Nov 2013, 6:51 pm
Replies: 625 Views: 447,456
Wow, so much here, so little time to respond... very quickly, off the cuff, and with apologies in advance for imperfections: BuyerBeware, you're great! PLEASE PLEASE stop beating yourself up!! Your earlier post sent me spinning back to my own high school prom. Though I was raised to despise loud mus... |
Forum: Parents' Discussion Topic: Raised by Aspergers parent |
Jenufa |
Posted: 12 Nov 2013, 11:15 am
Replies: 625 Views: 447,456
Welcome, LMP! Congrats on having the courage to post your story; I hope by now you're feeling a little less beaten up than I was by this stage. Reading through the responses to your post, I was thinking, "wow, I'm actually starting to enjoy this thread!" - but then I wondered how much of that is to ... |
Forum: Parents' Discussion Topic: Raised by Aspergers parent |
Jenufa |
Posted: 11 Nov 2013, 5:19 pm
Replies: 625 Views: 447,456
Thank you, BuyerBeware, also for picking up with such alacrity on my comments about going back over generations. Makes me think about that Bible quote that always bothered me as a child - "And the sins of the fathers shall be visited upon their sons, even unto the third or fourth generation..." or s... |
Forum: Parents' Discussion Topic: Raised by Aspergers parent |
Jenufa |
Posted: 10 Nov 2013, 5:16 pm
Replies: 625 Views: 447,456
Forgive me. It was the Cheshire Cat. |
Forum: Parents' Discussion Topic: Raised by Aspergers parent |
Jenufa |
Posted: 10 Nov 2013, 5:03 pm
Replies: 625 Views: 447,456
Thanks, DW. You're quite right, cultural context and family culture can mess things up right royally. Whose in-laws are not complicated?! (That was a classic from my nephew when he was 8 years old and my sister was trying to explain to him about one of his friends being on the spectrum... "But Mummy... |
Forum: Parents' Discussion Topic: Raised by Aspergers parent |
Jenufa |
Posted: 10 Nov 2013, 3:18 pm
Replies: 625 Views: 447,456
Run with your instincts, Adamantium. Your first duty is to your children, and your sanity is essential there. What's best for you is probably best for your mother in the long run, too. I remember when I made the decision to move with my husband into a hospice - by that stage, thanks the the medicati... |
Forum: Parents' Discussion Topic: Raised by Aspergers parent |
Jenufa |
Posted: 10 Nov 2013, 12:26 pm
Replies: 625 Views: 447,456
Adamantium, at least that's something we can agree on! I share your admiration for DW. Thanks also for the conciliatory comments. I can understand how what I wrote may have seemed like an attempt to hijack the thread - it wasn't what I was trying to communicate at the time. When I wrote that it was ... |
Forum: Parents' Discussion Topic: Raised by Aspergers parent |
Jenufa |
Posted: 10 Nov 2013, 11:54 am
Replies: 625 Views: 447,456
DW, thank you again for your open, inclusive attitude - it is encouraging and helpful. About perfectionism/ high achievement: In my current job, I have a lot to do with very high achievers (internationally successful classical musicians). I'd say there's barely any soloist or conductor I've met who ... |
Forum: Parents' Discussion Topic: Raised by Aspergers parent |
Jenufa |
Posted: 10 Nov 2013, 6:22 am
Replies: 625 Views: 447,456
Thank you, League Girl, and than you and apologies, DW - when I wrote my last post I had missed your two very engaging and reflective most recent posts. I will try to respond to these later today. |
Forum: Parents' Discussion Topic: Raised by Aspergers parent |
Jenufa |
Posted: 10 Nov 2013, 12:10 am
Replies: 625 Views: 447,456
Posting here feels increasingly difficult and frustrating. It's a bit like growing up in the Colonies and arriving in London - we speak the same language, but we don't understand each other. Things which I've written which seem to me carefully-phrased and neutral are consistently perceived as wildly... |
Forum: Parents' Discussion Topic: Raised by Aspergers parent |
Jenufa |
Posted: 09 Nov 2013, 6:14 am
Replies: 625 Views: 447,456
DW, just working my way backwards through recent comments here. I greatly appreciate your insights and tact. On the one hand Adamantium says: If you come here and talk about how much aspie parents suck, expect some less than positive feedback. If you want a supporting chorus of people who will also ... |
Forum: Parents' Discussion Topic: Raised by Aspergers parent |
Jenufa |
Posted: 09 Nov 2013, 5:42 am
Replies: 625 Views: 447,456
Thank you, DW. Adamantium... um... does anyone actually moderate this thread? |
Forum: Parents' Discussion Topic: Raised by Aspergers parent |
Jenufa |
Posted: 08 Nov 2013, 10:20 am
Replies: 625 Views: 447,456
Interestingly, the few published online articles that I have been able to find tend to be far more categorical and drastic than individual posts in this thread... Here is another one: The link between anorexia and an AS parent would also i... |
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