If he has trouble understanding those because of toughness, try Liberty BASIC, a throw-off of the DOS BASIC, modified for graphic interfaces, not DOS (a.k.a. Text interface), I started to teach myself at age 12, I'm 15 now and well adept at it.
You can download a trial here, but this only does small sized programs, the silver version, $29.95 (+10 for each CD wanted), can create large-sized programs, but not independent, unlike gold ($49.95), also an add-on asist program (49.95) is avalible.
Oh, yeah, for the gold and the assistant, it's a $69.95 value pack and from Silver to Gold, it's a $19.95 DL.
Glad to help

So, anyways, the story...
Ooh!! A kitty!! !
[Cat starts to run like hell]
[I follow]