Please make sure that you have the latest version downloaded first: Restart your computer
02.) When you see the screen go black and it starts booting back up keep
tapping the "F8" key (at the top of your keyboard)
03.) This should bring up a menu. Choose Safe Mode off the menu by
using the arrow keys on the keyboard to highlight Safe Mode and press
04.) If you get a message asking to go to Safe Mode, choose Yes. If you
get a help and support window, close this.
05.) Once you are at the desktop, Click Start, Computer
06.) Click Tools, Folder Options, View Tab
NOTE: If you cannot see the menu bar with the Tools menu on it, you have
to press the Alt-key on the keyboard and the menu bar should then be
07.) Place a dot next to "Show Hidden Files and Folders"
08.) Remove the check from "Hide Protected Operating System Files
09.) Choose Yes to the warning
10.) Click OK
11.) Double click C:
Note: In the future steps if you do not see any files or folders, please click
the "Show Files" link to view them.
12.) Double Click the Program Files Folder
13.) Right Click the Zone Labs Folder, click Delete, and choose Yes
NOTE: If you cannot delete the entire folder, please open the Zone Labs -
> ZoneAlarm folder and delete out as many of the files listed here as
14.) Close this window
15.) Click Start, Computer
16.) Double Click C:
17.) Double Click the Windows Folder
18.) Right Click the Internet Logs Folder, click Delete, and choose Yes
19.) Double Click the System32 Folder
20.) Right Click the Zone Labs Folder, click Delete, and choose Yes
NOTE: If you cannot delete the entire folder, please open the Zone Labs
folder and delete out as many of the files listed here as possible.
21.) Locate and delete the following files in the System32 folder if they are
- vsconfig.xml
- vsxml.dll
- vsregexp.dll
- vsdata.dll
- vsdata95.vxd
- vsdatant.sys
- vsmonapi.dll
- vspubapi.dll
- vsinit.dll
- vsutil.dll
- vswmi.dll
- zlcommdb.dll
- zlcomm.dll
- zpeng24.dll
22.) Clear your Temp Directory per the instructions below.
- Go to Start -> Run
- Type %temp% and click OK
- Select all of these files and delete them
23.) Clear the Prefetch folder per the instructions below.
- Go to Start -> Run
- Type Prefetch and click OK
- Select all of these files and delete them
NOTE: If you do not have the Run option on the Start menu, you can press
and hold the Windows logo key and tap the letter R .
24.) Remove the necessary registry entries:
*Important Advisory: Deleting registry entries incorrectly may cause
serious problems to your operating system, which may necessitate the
need to reinstall it. Please make sure you are able to perform these
deletions correctly before you decide to edit the entries. If you are not
sure, you should seek help from someone who is familiar with editing the
For information about how to edit the registry in Windows, from your
desktop, click Start -> Run -> and type regedit. Click on Help -> Help
Topics. Under the Contents tab, click Change Keys and Values (this may
be found under the How to... section).
Also, you should always make a backup of the registry before editing it.
You can find this in the same section of the Help files.
To remove the needed registry entries, go to Start -> Run and type in
regedit. Choose OK, and use the folders on the left side of the Registry
Editor window to navigate to the specified directories below. Note that you
will remove the entire folder specified (eg. Zone Labs, vsmon, vsdatant):
25.) Close this window, then empty your recycle bin.
26.) Restart the computer.
27.) Try to install the latest version again.
9.) Install ZoneAlarm Free you downloaded in previous stage.