that would be cool an aspie geek squad
that would be soo cute aspies going around with badges and bow ties driving pt cruisers
just kidding, but wont be surprized if many of the employees for the best buy geek squad have as.
I have a cousin who applied at a best buy precinct I dont know if they hired him or not. hey I'll help and give great help on AOL, norton security, most windows xp, verizon dsl, basic computer tuneup and security. I already give free help through pm and im to people with computer problems. when I get done with teh issue and its fixed tehy tahnk me to death or tehy keep coming back for other problems and delete the tech support number from their mindsthat leads to the 3rd world indians who are as a result of outsourcing who know very LITTLE about computing. I myself used to be victom of their endless stupid resolutions that don't fix the problem. look foward to helping in the growing group of computer helpers ice_man708.
<<"norton" antivirus