natty wrote:
i hate facebook because my b/f hacked into mine
Why? Did he have access to your computer?
Did he crack('hack') your computers security, got your username and password and then read all your personal information?
Of the most basic things though is to have a secure password. One that one can't find
in a dictionary.
One example of a "good" password is for example "a%4Bu".
I personally choose passwords which I can't remember and which I have to lookup my own
notes to read. Something like "g*8E(.@3J#z".
Now if he has access to your personal computer try to make your web browser not remember the password, and you might note down the password on a piece of paper that you might keep somewhere safe.
I wrote too much I think.
Bitcoin is not complex. If you understand Public-key cryptography, Digital Signatures and Proof of Work algorithms like HashCash(SHA-2/SHA-256) as a concept it will not be too hard to comprehend it.