AO-Hell, & the obnoxious noisy modem we had to use to connect to it. The modem of course meant no one to call out or call in because the phone line was busy. When I first joined, we only had so many minutes to use, & it didn't take long before the time was all used up. Go over, & the cost sky rocketed. Luckily it went unlimited within a few months after we signed up. I'd never go back to AOL now. But at the time, it was great fun. I felt like a kid in a candy store.
If I do something right, no one remembers. If I do something
wrong, no one forgets.
Aspie Score: 173/200, NT score 31/200: very likely an Aspie
5/18/11: New Aspie test: 72/72
DX: Anxiety plus ADHD/Aspergers: inconclusive