anbuend wrote:
That board game Operation scares me. Specifically, the loud noise.
I like Metroid a lot, and it's never been too scary. I can't remember what video games have scared me, although I remember a few. I think the last battle in Zelda II scared me a bit at the time.
I like Metroid a lot too, but sometimes it's just too scary for me (and believe me, something isn't scary for me very quickly, it takes a lot for me to be scared). But i've recently found a solution to that: i made an ogg file of the music of Brinstar, and when it does get scary, i take the sound offline (emulator :twisted:) on LaagDrave (old games system), and just play that music on ZeurComp (primary workstation), so i always have happy music in the background 8)7
[#doom] <Jon^D> zeur: you're not making any sense
[#doom] <zeurkous> do i ever?