AardvarkGoodSwimmer wrote:
I think both are potentially valuable, yes, there are going to be some Objective C boards. At the same time, we can talk about, as different people who are on the spectrum, our experiences with learning languages.
If anything I said made it sound like I think asking here is a bad idea, then it didn't come out right. If he wanted to post some of his code here, I'd take a look at it and try to critique it, but then I don't know either Objective-C or PHP (although I do know some similar languages), so I'd miss nearly everything language specific. There are probably some people who know Objective-C and/or PHP around here, but there would also be more on a language specific board.
Maybe understanding narrative and story is what I do best as a human being. I tend to get either A's or F's in math class, perhaps because it depends on whether I have the time and energy to translate the math into words.
That's rather interesting. I've been wondering a bit about how other people think, since I've seen several instances of people thinking much differently from me recently. A lot about how people think abstractly is described in words as a metaphor, which is kind of like a short story.
quux wrote:
Does anyone know of any other books/sites like this?
Ruby Quiz has a bunch of problems that are generally pretty good. It's a lot less mathematical than project Euler. There's also a book called 'Best of Ruby Quiz' if you want a hardcopy. The problems are set up for Ruby, but they aren't very language specific.
"A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it." --G. K. Chesterton