A mathematician, a physicist and an engineer are each given a theorem to prove or disprove: All odd numbers are prime.
The mathematician says, "3 is prime. 5 is prime. 7 is prime. 9 is not prime. The theorem is clearly false."
The physicist says, "3 is prime. 5 is prime. 7 is prime, 9? -- that's probably a bad data point, let's go on. 11 is prime. 13 is prime. 15? -- well, that's a reasonable number of data points. The theorem is probably true."
The engineer says, "3 is prime. 5 is prime. 7 is prime. 9 is prime. ..."
I would have told the one about the Abelian grape, but someone beat me to it.
John Hobson
Usenet is like a herd of performing elephants with diarrhea -- massive, difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a source of mind-boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect it. -- Gene Spafford