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21 Aug 2016, 5:21 pm

Which do you prefer of the two?

On one hand Windows 10 has some bugs but on the other hand Windows 7 is some what slower in benchmarks. I guess its kinda of the Windows version of bleeding edge vs stability. Also VR doesn't support Windows 7 on steam, is anyone forced to use Windows 10 because of this?


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21 Aug 2016, 5:30 pm

I prefer Windows 7. It takes up less hard drive space, runs on older hardware, has a more visually appealing UI, only has a single "Control Panel" rather than the two settings programs that Windows 10 has, you can actually drag and drop things into the Start Menu, doesn't have all of those unremovable apps that I'll never need like OneDrive, and is far less buggy. Gaming features don't matter at all to me, since all of the games I play predate Windows 7.


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21 Aug 2016, 5:42 pm

Don't know much about Windows 7 but I just switched from windows 8 to 10, and I regret it. 10 freezes a lot where 8 didn't. If you're doing anything important, make sure you save it every 2-3 mins. Not kidding.

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21 Aug 2016, 5:43 pm

Hey saxgeek I don't mean to go off topic but I saw your other post in that other thread in Random, what programming languages do you know? I am more into networking, hardware, and setting up and configuring software but I can survive some C, Python, Java and so on. I know syntax pretty well but I am bad at the logic (math) side of things. Most of programs I write do a single task and is command line based, however I have created some swing gui stuff with Java. I would not call myself a programmer but I dabble in things. I am more of an extreme PC enthusiast then anything. I know how programming works but I just haven't put in enough time to get good. Plus pointers, OMG I hate pointers, I know its basic concept but for some reason I struggle to understand all their uses.


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21 Aug 2016, 5:46 pm

hi Ishi2,

How did you switch from Windows 8 to Windows 10? It is my understanding that upgrades to Windows 10 are fairing much worse then a clean install. If you have a Windows 10 disc, you might want to backup your data and reinstall off the disc.


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21 Aug 2016, 5:48 pm

I probably can’t afford either—not just buying the licence, but also a computer with the resources to run them decently :nerdy:

For the time being, at a certain place where I have no choice but to use Windows, they still refuse to upgrade, probably because Windows 10 would blow up the computers and replacing them all would be an unjustifiable extravagance. Therefore, I haven’t tried Windows 10 yet, nor am I exactly in a hurry to do so.

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21 Aug 2016, 6:46 pm

dcj123 wrote:
hi Ishi2,

How did you switch from Windows 8 to Windows 10? It is my understanding that upgrades to Windows 10 are fairing much worse then a clean install. If you have a Windows 10 disc, you might want to backup your data and reinstall off the disc.

There was a thing that popped up at the bottom of my screen asking me if I wanted to upgrade for free. There was no discs or anything. That was probably my mistake.

"I got to keep you on your toes. When you think I'll zig, I'll zag. Then when you think I'm gonna zag, I do zag, just to mess you up for the next time, when I might zig" - Lorelai Gilmore


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03 Sep 2016, 5:34 am

dcj123 wrote:
hi Ishi2,

How did you switch from Windows 8 to Windows 10? It is my understanding that upgrades to Windows 10 are fairing much worse then a clean install. If you have a Windows 10 disc, you might want to backup your data and reinstall off the disc.

If you want to get it get the Pro Version. in case you dont want to experince auto update of Doom. i upgraded It from my windows 8 computer and its alot better. So much that i asked my School to upgrade my windows 7 school laptop to windows 10 ;P ive Ran old games Like Rune And perfectly on it. Note games on Disks Might not work anymore. Due to anti-Pirate Softwares that installs. windows 10 blocks these. apparently due to risk of opening vulnerability

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25 Sep 2016, 6:29 pm

I use W10. I find it far more stable and faster than Windows 7. I hate the forced auto updates though, and that you need to configure it to stop microsoft snooping on you. It's still not particularly good at DPI scaling either, making it look odd on my 4K monitor.


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25 Sep 2016, 6:45 pm

I hate Windows 10 for all the s**t microsoft steamrolls on you like annoying cortana, bing, one drive, and all the other garbage you will never want nor need like the Windows store. I hate the forced updates and the snooping as well. The menus are a disorganized mess scattered throughout the OS. Normally the OS is more stable and runs quicker than Windows 7.


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02 Oct 2016, 4:12 am

Windows 10 provides faster boot times, better stability and the design is much more intuitive than Windows 7. You can disable the Windows 10 automatic updates and set them to manual in the services consoles and you can also disable OneDrive.

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03 Oct 2016, 7:06 pm

Still does not fix the DPI issues though. Having both a 1080p and 4K monitor for this reason is a nightmare.


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04 Oct 2016, 6:09 am

Windows 10 is passable if you have a modern computer with an SSD drive. With a traditional hard drive or a hybrid system (cache SSD), it's borderline useless. This is possibly done deliberately to kickstart the sale of laptops -- which seems to have worked.

Windows 10 is also less stable, and slower than Windows 7 and 8.x. Moreover, it uses far more resources than 8.x and 7, without providing any interesting features. Time to face the facts: Windows 8.x had a horrible user interface, but apart from that, it had a performance and a stability no other OS could match.

The only really good thing is that the flat and minimalistic appearance looks nice. Windows Aero has aged horribly (apart from that, Windows 7 was awesome).

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04 Oct 2016, 7:17 pm

I have not liked anything MS has released since WinXp. Win2k, and WinXp were the ones that MS had finally got right.

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05 Oct 2016, 2:52 am

The benefits of DirectX 12 will provide significant gains to performance and Windows 10 are strongly marketing it with the release of Gears of War 4.

Kaby Lake and Zen will only be officially supported by Windows 10 and that will definitely push more people to upgrade as the architecture will provide a huge increase in power effeciency and better support for 4K video streaming.

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05 Oct 2016, 6:39 pm

Every OS has their pros & cons.

What you need to consider is what you are using it for.

I haven't used 10, so I don't have much input, but what put me off from it is that it is entirely dependant on calling home.
There is this new trend where it appears Microsoft really just wants us licensing access to their central OS & servers, and now the home computer has become just a dumb terminal connected to "the cloud".

"Windows" is really no longer a product, it is a service.
A lot of major software is going in that direction.

If I wasn't an indie game dev, I'd go to pure linux. But I want to make stuff useable to many others. And I can only take advantage of DX12 on win10.

Optimally, I'd like to have a box for each OS.

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