Organic food is no more healthful or nutritious than conventional food. Further, GMO technology is safe and there are no health concerns with the GMO products currently on the market.
There is an even more stark difference, however, between beliefs about the effects of organic farming on the environment and reality. In fact organic farming is worse for the environment than conventional farming in terms of the impact vs the amount of food produced.
When did GMO products become conventional food?!
GMO technology might be safe, but what is the context of that statement?
It might be true there are no health concerns with the GMO products currently on the market, but that does not mean GMO food is equal to food produced naturally.
To say organic farming is worse for the environment than conventional farming -- Once again: When did GMO become conventional?! -- is a mis-leading spin of the fact organic simply requires more space to get the same amount and without polluting water sources.
firemonkey wrote:
All I know is I'm reluctant to pay extra for organic produce.
Same here, and I say that for various reasons that do not fit all items across-the-board and without taking any kind of position on the overall matter. Nevertheless...
My wife is picky about the eggs she buys, we do use some supplements to make up for certain things missing in today's "conventional" diet, and some friends of ours have a garden and some chickens of their own because they believe their own produce is more nutritious -- actual food value -- than most things at the grocery stores. So, just investigate things where you might have a bit of concern and then be selective of specific items for specific reasons if you might ultimately believe one product is better than another.
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