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25 Jan 2018, 10:11 pm

I just downloaded a copy of LinuxMint 18.4 for a computer that I plan on giving to my dad. --He still runs an XP system at home, because, like myself, ha hates any MS products that came after XP. Also like myself He hates the notifiction sounds produced by the system. --Computer should be seen and not heard, unless you're doing something where audio is required, such as listening to music, youtube, or watching movies.

KDE uaed to have this option, as did previous version. I've been lookin for it on KDE5, but cannot seem to find it. Is it that well hidden? Is it non-existant now? If so how can I turn this 'feature' off?

The next step is going to /root as admin and manually deleting the files myself.

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