My first language was BASIC in 1974. I was awful at it. By the time I got my Associate's Degree I had programmed in 9 computer languages and was still not very good. It took me a couple of years on the job as a COBOL programmer to develop a sensible coding style by trial and error. I was a programmer for 24 years and loved it.
Use detailed comments, put white space between functions, use each variable for one purpose only (no recycling), give each function a separate routine and give each routine a separate set of scratchpad variables. Reusing variables "to save space" is the biggest cause of program bugs. Don't be wasteful or careless, but don't spend five hours to save ten bytes of storage on systems with multi-gigabyte RAM and multi-terabyte hard drives. This isn't 1967.
To eliminate poverty, you have to eliminate at least three things: time, the bell curve and the Pauli Exclusion Principle. Have fun.