Pinkaspie5 wrote:
Geometry is God Himself.” Johannes Kepler ...
Any thoughts? Well..
Assuming a god exists.. then that god would have to be everything that exists in this universe.. and it would have to be REAL, it would have to be science..
SO.. you know.. Geometry is what makes math possible.. and Math is the basis for physics.. and Physics exaplain how chemistry works.. and chemistry.. well.. It explains how biology works.. so ge. ometry is EVERYTHING that exists.. so.. could god be geometry?
Nonsense on the face of it.
Kepler, among other things was a woo woo mystic who first believed the orbits of the planets could be derived from the platonic solids. That didn't work, so he tried circular orbits. That didn't work so hit on fitting the ellipse to the data points observed by Tycho Brahe. Bingo. The rest is history.
In the end it was old fashioned curve fitting that did the trick for Kepler. Forget the god nonsense.