somebody300 wrote:
If it's a hobby, you would need to be familiar with a large amount of topics in advanced computer science, mathematics and statistics to accomplish this
what a fortunate coincidence then

you didn't stop to think that you don't know about my individual skills and background, did ya?
and probably have hundreds of thousands of dollars to spend.
funded projects aren't the only thing in the universe. certain things don't depend on material resources.
time is the main resource involved here. also, the end result is not the main goal. development itself is what matters.
it's a hobbyQuote:
It isn't something which can be done by someone in their bedroom, for example.
i've been told similar things in the past. didn't stop me, and i proved them wrong
besides, ever heard of linus torvalds and the linux system? or steve wozniak and the personal computer?
you're pretty lousy at raining on parades, you know?

The fact that you can't do a basic literature review (something which is a part of any basic scientific curriculum), and have to resort to asking people on an autism forum to do it for you makes one think that you aren't exactly the next Linus.