My current phone is a Galaxy Z Flip 3. I like itttttt, but have some issues with it. The phone I had previously was definitely more robust, but I really like how small the Z Flip 3 is. Most of my clothes are designed by men, for women, so they have the tiniest little pockets--and the Z Flip 3 fits in them! I also carry fanny packs a lot to reduce overstimulation of lugging a big purse around, so she fits in there wonderfully as well.
Pros of Galaxy Z Flip 3:
tiny and easy to carry around (good for "girl" pockets)
I can prop the camera up without using anything external (pop socket, selfie stick, tripod, etc.) by just opening the phone halfway
very cute and aesthetically pleasing (I am unashamed that this is a pro for me)
I love that you can customize the cover screen (little screen on the outside of the phone)--I have art I made of my kitty as my cover. I can access my music, audiobooks, notifications, and other widgets etc. from there
novelty value. I often get people asking about my phone when they see me flip it, and they ask if they can open and close it (to which I say yes of course, and instantly hand over my phone)
I can stim with my phone (opening and closing it)
A decent battery life. Not as good as my previous phone, but it works for me and my limited usage
I did a spec comparison between my old phone and the flip phone, and most of the other things stayed the same (aside from camera, screen size, etc.). Frame rate is the same, etc.
Cons of Galaxy Z Flip 3:
the camera is NOT very good at all. My old phone had a pretty good camera. My partner has the Google Pixel 6, so I always ask to use their camera instead of mine
within a year, a very large amount of stress lines started appearing in the middle of the phone where it folds. I read you're only supposed to open and close the phone like 5 times MAX each day--yeah heck this, I open and close my phone wayyy more than this (it used to be a stim for me to open and close it dear god, that's probably why I have so many stress lines)

I used to have some sort of Samsung phone before this one. I unfortunately forgot what it was, since it's been a few years. Overall, I like my flip and am considering getting the newer version when it's time for me to upgrade my phone. I have enough gaming stuff (PC and MSI laptop) and tablets (iPad) that I use frequently, so I'm not really missing out on anything with the Z Flip 3 besides the camera, and the aesthetic bummer of the stress lines. Judge all you want for my poor technology decision, but it works for me and my priorities! I'm not on my phone often enough, or doing strenuous things on my phone to warrant a more robust phone like the Pixel.
With feral regards,