richie wrote:
It will happen and the only thing I see scary about it is we'll have a new class of "haves" and "have-nots".
I suppose I just can't envision the next step as still having the "have/have-not" divide. In a sense, that is mainly a recent (few K years
) phenomenon. This is somewhat of a waffle, but think about the moderately insane personal power that the majority of individuals in the "developed" nations have, versus 100 years ago. We live like kings - already.
richie wrote:
The one thing that article didn't have was
Freeman Dyson's speculations about mankind artificially developing itself into "A Million Species", a question he often asks in his book "Disturbing The Universe" is "Will we be a million species or will we remain as one...."
I've not read that. Where is the problem? I'd say that a million species is a good idea. We need to hedge our bets. Vanishingly small though the possibility might be, we could be the only conscious beings around. I say "Let's spread!" - in all senses.
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Kamran Nazeer