Arran wrote:
If fahrenheit has not been mandated by law then why is using celsius considered to be unAmerican?
You are perfectly free to use celsius any time you wish. It is entirely up to you. There is nothing unAmerican about it.
If certain communities want to use celsius rather than fahrenheit then does opposing them run counter to democracy and freedom of consumer choice?
Quite the contrary -- you are free to choose which to use.
For example, when I used to ride bicycles about 3,000 to 5,000 miles per year, I had my bicycle speedometer display the speed in km/hr in hopes that I would get a better intuitive feeling for the speed instead of having to do a mental conversion. That never really helped.
However, it did lead to a funny incident one day. I stopped at the bicycle shop one afternoon. One of the local racers casually walked over to my bicycle and pressed the display to see my maximum speed for the day. She did a double take and then gave me a funny look when she saw a speed of around 45-50. She didn't realize it was displaying kilometers per hour instead of miles per hour and that my peak speed was a quick sprint trying to beat a traffic signal.
The only times I actually hit speeds of 45 to 50 miles per hour was when drafting a vehicle, going downhill, or both.