gbollard wrote:
UberElvis wrote:
I built an old DOS computer. I believe it is a 386.
an old DOS computer - a 386 - that was Windows ...
DOS was mostly PCXT/AT and 286.
Well it's probably 286 then. I don't really know my old CPUs.
gbollard wrote:
UberElvis wrote:
I'm looking for old floppy based DOS games, but can't really find any. Any ideas of fun stuff I could do on this old machine? I've always been fascinated by old computers for some reason.
Go to the abandonware sites and get some stuff. good ones;
F19 Stealth Fighter (simulator)
King's Quest (most of them - though with a 386 consider KQ4 and above) (Adventure)
Any other Sierra and Lucasarts games
Ultima IV (RPG)
Doom, Wolfenstein (FPS)
Commander Keen, Captain Comic, Duke Nukem 1 and 2 (Platform)
Lemmings, Populous, Tetris (puzzle/strategy)
Also go to the Apogee Site and find some FREE games there
have a look through the Classic DOS Games site. thanks for the suggestions. I'm an RPG guy and I've heard a lot about the Ultima series. I actually did play Doom a few times, but I believe it was the slightly newer Doom95 (The new Doom 3 for Xbox and Windows sucks in my opinion. I like the older Dooms a lot better.
gbollard wrote:
There are heaps of great things you can do in DOS.
I believe that to be true. That's why I'm interested in it...otherwise, I would treat it like everyone else does.
gbollard wrote:
In a lot of ways, it's better than windows (unless my memory is just cheating me)
I kind of believe that and if I was around in those days I probably would be saying the same thing. The only reason why people don't use it is because technology has advanced to where you have to use modern operating systems to keep up with society. I was born into Windows so most people my age are oblivious of this stuff.