richie wrote:
Something else to check out:
Windows 7 On an iPad? Yes You CanQuote:
Want to run Windows 7 on the new Apple iPad? Citrix says it will soon be possible--at least virtually--using a new version of its Citrix Receiver software.
Promised to be ready when the tablet computer ships in March, Citrix says the new software, based on the current iPhone version, is a response to questions about how the iPad might find a home in the enterprise......
First of all, the chances that apple would ever allow a VM app in their appstore are incredibly low. Second, the whole idea to run an incredibly heavy OS as windows 7 on a VIRTUAL MACHINE on a ONE GHZ device meant for mobility is so excessively ret*d that it would make Steve Ballmer cry.
Anyone who already owns an iPhone or iPod Touch is going to have difficulty justifying buying a bigger version of what they already have.
iphones can make phone calls and have a camera, the ipad on the other hand...