doordoctor wrote:
iamnotaparakeet wrote:
1. How people can whimsically remove people as friends.
2. How they are always altering the layout of the darn page.
thy should have left it the way it was, nobody can find their list of friends, now if i want to remove someone, i have to go to their wall/profile and find the "remove from friends" link.
facebook, why cant you keep it simple, like it was!!?!?
just go to all connections and do 'break connection' or 'remove connection'
as to #1 you are right and I think this is such a mistake. It's happened to me twice, while there are people I'd like to remove on mine now I am not going to because I may see them in person one day and since it happened to me I feel like that person has no use for me at all and if they see me I will not talk to them. Therefore, even though those people I am not crazy about, i would certainly speak to them and hug them in person if I saw them. So I definitely will not remove them.
I have removed people in the past, at first I friended a whole lot of friends from college, when I was a huge drunk with terrible problems figuring out how to relate with people (i.e. the aspergers, hence the drinking) only to find they would add me but would not acknowledge my existence in any way whatsoever. So those folks after a while I just got rid of in one fell swoop. I am quite certain I will never see them again and if I do I won't care. I apparently was a whole lot bigger @sshole then I remembered being back then. Alot of it was growing up with terrible role models too so the only models I had for social interaction were woefully inadequate, I really was a walking disaster. But I don't understand why anyone would friend you and then ignore you. Good grief, if you don't like me, just refuse it. At least then I know the score. Oh, wait, it does make their friends list bigger, that just occurred to me. Oh and what really kills me is folks that won't speak to you at all but will send you offers to join a fan page for their business. that one really gets me. I have one girl like that on mine now but I know if I see her again in person, and there is a very good chance of it someday, we will hug and speak like yesterday. It's a very weird and perplexing little microcosm. I finally gave up on posting those little updates that always read (at least to me) like "I just had a bowel movement, light brown and firm consistency" because apparently nothing I say is interesting. So I just post music and read the stuff other people post. It's more fun not having to wonder if people will respond to anything I say, because almost no one ever does.