oh yeah and...
Michhsta wrote:
First question, are these languages generally referred to as SOURCE CODE?
the words that you type that make things happen are referred to as source code - in the case of php/html etc, these words are run through an internal interpreter (software) that is installed on the PC or server (hardware) - in the case of something like c++ or java, you must "compile" the source code you've written into something readable by the OS (Operating system - software) or other software installed on the PC or server (hardware)
Michhsta wrote:
Second question, what is the difference with the languages used for operating systems and software programming.(please specify the difference between "hardware"(operating system?) and "Software"......I assume that the "interpreter" is in the operating system to read the language from the software.......I just started styding this last night, so bear with me
*Hardware is the physical machine - software is whatever makes electrical impulses work the hardware...
*an OS is software - it is the basics of working the hardware - like turn that pixel there blue by sending power over there, write out a line of 0,s and 1,s and put them on that disk there, convert that line of 0s and 1s to letters etc...
*Programming languages (software) are used to send a message to the OS that says hey i want a blue line starting here and ending there - the OS then sends on the message to the hardware that turns the blue pixels on or off...
and there are always exceptions and different ways to do things too....
Sort of an airy fairy explanation there