pastafarian wrote:
I made some superconductors once, about 10 years old they worked really well and floated beautifully. got the recipe for Ytrium Barium Copper. All I remember is mixing it up, pressing it and cooking it in a furnace for days. it was quite straightfoward once you have found a suitable furnace. Liquid nitrogen is harder to come by.
Theres lots of recipes online that take you through it.
If you've got a local physics dept in a university nearby, or a science centre or museum, you might find someone with access to some liquid nitrogen that might help test. Maybe.
i know a molecular biologist undergrad in odense university, i should ask her.
as i understand it you would actually need a substrate for the ytrrium alloy,
anyway i imagine the whole setup would take quite some time to get started, i would need to desinn a mold that can befilled and then pressed, in itself not easy.
though i dont know if it could be done with a hydraulic jack, we have some quite powerfull ones for lifting where i work, they can jack up at least 50t, making a press out of them would require a heavy framework though.
//through chaos comes complexity//
the scent of the tamarillo is pungent and powerfull,
woe be to the nose who nears it.