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24 Dec 2011, 2:24 am

barnabear wrote:
Samarda wrote:
Are there any mathematicians with dyscalculia , is it even possible. I did hear that they can comprehend higher areas of mathematics but not simple arithmetic or Boolean algebra.

As the joke goes, there are 3 sorts of Mathematicians - those that can count and those that can't.

It is quite possible for someone to get a degree in Mathematics, but to struggle with arithmetic. Arithmetic is just one small area of Mathematics.

Temple Grandin gave an excellent talk at TED. She said that if an aspie child is a visual thinker, then they should skip algebra and go straight to geometry.

One of my supervisors at University was an algebraic topologist, married to another algebraic topologist. I remarked that they must have amazing conversations over the breakfast table, but he said not really as they work on different branches of algebraic topology.

So you can become very specialized as a mathematician. Let computers crunch the numbers.

And there are 10 kinds of people; those who understand binary, and those who don't.


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24 Dec 2011, 2:30 am

naturalplastic wrote:
Oodain wrote:
if small videos about specific subjects are helpfull you could try
Khan Academy

it allows you to watch videos explaining and walking through the excorcise, it then allows you to do exorcises and when you can do 5 correct in a row it ticks off so you can keep track of what you have learned.

Is that how ghosts stay fit?


Or did you mean "excorcisms"?

A priest on the video conducts a series of "excorcisms" of the dyscalculate demons who possesses you?

You end up soaked in your own sweat and vomit and exhuasted from the catharsis, but for the first time in your life you find that you can do simultaneous equations!


I know... I misspell tons of stuff in all my posts. But that just struck me as funny for some reason.

Happy Halloween.

And did you hear about the constipated mathematician who worked his problem out with a pencil?

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02 Jan 2012, 5:13 pm

-Skeksis- wrote:
Namely me! Math and algebra are mystifying subjects, but I'm dying to grasp and understand them. I can picture these concepts in my head as long as they're described in specific detail, not just looking at an equation. Dyscalculia at work, but I've found a way to circumvent it, as long as it's described in detail and in paragraph form.

I don't hate math, not at all. In fact, I'd love to be able to understand it better because it would open up a whole new way of understanding the world.

Ditto on the above for computer programming.

Any advice at all?

Might want to get "Math for Dummies" or "Mathematics for Dummies" or "Algebra for Dummies". It's bad enough when someone things that x is only a letter and doesn't have an association with a real or imaginary number (e.g. square root of -1)

Scott, Founder/Program Director - GCA Centre for Adult Autism

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