Robdemanc wrote:
I used to work on Siebel
So did I.
I worked on the CRM extensions, which were new at the time.
But I will probably have to buy Access to do what you suggest.
See if you can get the student version, since it has most of the features but still works well enough.
Can I ask does Access get used a lot in industry for main systems? My experience with it in the past has been as a simple one of DB that is used by a department or as part of a project etc. Does access have enterprise wide capability? to be used like oracle or sql server?
Access is used for all of the small ad-hoc databases, but never for the main source. It's too limited to be used enterprise-wide--the main limitation being that the entire DB has to be sent over the network wire to have multiple read/write.
If you want to get real DBA skills, you have to choose one of the big DBs like Oracle or SQL Server. Note that mySQL is a nice in-between DB that can do all that you need, big or small. Plus it's completely free.
I was under the assumption that MS-Access (which i hate. i'm not a visual person) could be migrated to MSSQL Server for enterprise use. Of course, the last time I was forced to use Access was back in 1994, when my COTR (US government-speak for Contracting Office Technical Representative), assigned a project to me (a non-programmer) to covert a database that resided on a VAX 6000 series mini to MS-Access. I'm a librarian, not a programmer. I ended up learning MS-Access by the seat of my pants. It took until the naval base i was working at closed own to get the strcture defined in Access and to dump the data from the VAX into a useable format. Any wonder i don't like Access?