Max000 wrote:
Stargazer43 wrote:
Wow, I never knew any of this. I always thought that if I had a surge protector everything in my house would be protected. Guess I'll live less dangerously next time a storm rolls in!
Its all a matter of how much precaution you want to take. Honestly if your house takes a direct hit from lightning, it probably won't even matter if you have everything unplugged. It will still get fried.
No. If it's unplugged, nothing can happen to it unless the bolt comes through the house. Every house should have lightening rods to prevent that from happening.
I use a power strip. Generally, just turning it off is more than enough physical disconnect to be safe. The bolt would have to hit the power line itself to jump the switch (very, very rare but possible).
Surge suppressors won't protect against a direct strike on the power line...too much voltage to contain. They do fine with brownouts and surges from other causes (even if caused by storms).