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18 Feb 2007, 9:38 pm

They say that in the next version of Windows, Microsoft Internet Exploder will be upgraded to Windows Live Nuclear Blaster.


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18 Feb 2007, 11:35 pm

chadders wrote:

Total LOL. I'd not seen that before. I particularly liked... all of them.

In an attempt to find where you'd linked to that from, I got to <> when of course I should have been at <>.


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19 Feb 2007, 12:32 pm

I think the first post was more a "I want to rant" than a "I'm geniunly interested in what people think", proven by your reference to Barney, and your rude reply to ahayes.

Firstly, I'm just going to say this.
All browsers have their goods and bads.
I'm talking about Windows here, because I've hardly used Linux and Mac browsers.

  • IE is the standard, largely because people don't know Firefox and Opera exists. It is a total nightmare for web developers due to it's s**t support for web standards, but overall it's not too bad. IE6 was terrible for security, I believe 7 has improved that. 7 is ultimately a ripoff of firefox (which is a ripoff of Opera -- or is it the other way round?) for design.
  • Firefox is for the power user. Tons of extensions, designed for those who like control (type about:config in firefox and you'll see what I mean). It's not perfect but they listen, they add. It's only on version 2 so it needs time to actually get into the swing. I think the fact it's only on version 2 and has already had 300 million downloads speaks for itself.
  • Opera is for people who want something more powerful than IE (I mean bare IE, not IE loaded with toolbars and crap), and want something more set than Firefox (as in, it has more features out of the box)

Ultimately in the end people will use whatever they feel best with. If you prefer IE, great. But don't go laying into people who use Firefox just because you don't like it.

Now I'll pull your post apart:

Firefox feature - It has a cool cutting edge extreme generation X name and logo! bullhonkey. I don't give a crud about what the title or the icon is. people should pay more attention to the website itself insted of the little icon at the top left hand corrner of the browser.

I've never heard anyone say "hey I use Firefox cos it has a cool logo".

Firefox feature - It comes with protection against hacking, spyware, and viri! What's the point? I have a real firewall (called McAfee), and plenty of good spyware removers. Internet Explorer has a pop-up blocker, too.

Does McAfee say "hey, I think this is a phishing site" just after you've clicked that "give us your card details and pin number"? Do you know how many people believe those emails are genuine and get scammed every year?

Firefox feature - You can play music through it! Why would I need to do that, when I have Winamp? <snip>

That's an optional plugin. If you don't want it, don't install it. Some people do like it.

Firefox feature - There's a way to select and highlight text on websites! Haven't you people ever heard of CTRL-F? CTRL-F is man's best friend. Don't be afraid to use it.

CTRL-F in Opera or IE and you get a dialog box which can get in the way. CTRL-F in Firefox (and btw you can press forward slash for the same effect) and it's nice and tidy at the bottom. Much nicer. Firefox also lets you find stuff in textareas, I don't think IEs does.

Firefox feature - It allows you to download things from sites that require membership! Look, people; I'm an honest man. Typically, if a website requires membership to download one of their products, usually it's for a good reason. Websites need bandwidth to operate. When you download a large file from a website, you use their bandwidth. A lot of sites require members only downloads to prevent most of their space being taken up. It usually ensures that only people who are desperately in need of a download will take the time and register first. You'd understand if you had your own website and bandwidth to worry about.

Okay I have no idea what "feature" you're referring to here?
However I will state that some sites make you register just because they like big numbers, and not because they actually need you to. If you're referring to subscription based sites, fine, I accept. If you mean free ones like forums that make you register just to grab a free download then damn right I want to skip the hassle of signing up to a site I may never visit again! Why the hell should I have to spend 5 mins filling in a form, waiting another few mins for the email, confirming it etc etc.

Firefox feature - It automatically corrects your typing! I hate stuff like that. <snip>

What feature "automatically" corrects your typing? There's the spellchecker that offers suggestions if that's what you mean?

Firefox feature - There's a Google search bar built into it! I can't stand search bars in my browser! <snip>

1. All the browsers have this.
2. Right click the toolbar, customize. Drag the search part out. Gone!
3. It's convenient to have. You are just nitpicking for the sake of it now.

Firefox feature - It tells you the news and weather! And,, the Weather Channel's website, every single news website, and AIM's Today don't?

Optional, convenient.

Firefox feature - You can have several websites open at a time, and they become tabbed into one browser window! Whooptity-freakin'-doo!! Like I said before, I don't suffer from ADD. I usually only have one or two websites open at a time anyway. I don't know anyone who needs 50 open at once. <snip>

1. All three browsers have tabbed browsing.
2. I do web development. I often need 8 or 9 windows open to track what I'm doing where.
3. What the hell are you whining about, if you only use one window Firefox will hide the tab bar for you!

One last thing. These holy browser wars are F***ING STUPID. Making angry ranty posts about how one browser is better than another is F***ING STUPID. It's software, you have free choice. So does everyone else. Jeez.

"When you do something right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all" - "God", Futurama

Blue Jay
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19 Feb 2007, 1:27 pm

One thing that I will say is that I downloaded and used IE7. It did add a good feature that allows you to see all the tabs at once, but Mozilla has a downloadable extension that does the same thing. Also, I've had IE7 crash on me for no entire reason. Using to much resources? Bug in it? I don't know.

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19 Feb 2007, 3:58 pm

i just use opera. Its fast and safe.