There are taxes on rubbish disposal here in the UK, they were designed to encourage recycling but instead they've caused a huge "fly tipping" problem where unscrupulous waste firms simply dump all of their rubbish by the side of the road or on someone else's land. Be aware that well-intended ideas can have unexpectedly awkward consequences.
I don't believe it's necessary to wrap everything up so much. It's pointless and wasteful. There should be laws preventing excessive packaging so that there's less rubbish in the first place. Also possibly some curbs on the advertising nonsense that encourages people to buy so much worthless crap by promising that it'll make them rich, contented and sexy. NO IT WON'T. At the present rate of consumption it'll make their head burn and their toes wet, comprende?
I'd also have a word with the manufacturers of cars and household goods designed with "built-in obselesence" i.e. designed with a weak point so they fall apart within 5 years and you have to buy another one. This is a sham.
I would change the motoring taxes in the UK so that there is no road tax, but a high rate of VAT on fuel. This way the tax collected is in direct proportion to the amount of pollution created. It also gets round the old problem of people justifying car use on the basis that they've already paid the road tax so they might as well get something for it.
People who don't own a car at all should get some sort of reward from the Government. Also people who are genuine citizens but don't have a passport, as they won't be polluting anywhere through aeroplane or boat travel.
In the longer term I would like to see a shift back to local employment coupled with an increased use of the internet and tele-conferencing to abolish the need for travelling sales reps and long-haul flights for meetings.
Perpetual economic growth doesn't really seem to benefit the average person - we're all working harder than we ever have just so a few people can get a lot richer. Enough is enough. Less people should mean more resources for everyone, PROVIDED THE SYSTEM IS FAIR, so a fundamental shift in attitude is required. In fact, an attitude shift is required in many areas. For example, instead of pestering homeowners to turn appliances off rather than leaving them on standby, why not oblige the manufacturers to remove the standby option from their products? It's either on or off, ok? Likewise, rather than making a fuss about free range eggs, why not make those the default standard and put big stickers on the battery farmed eggs saying "Produced with needless cruelty"??
One excellent partial solution for global warming which I've seen is to paint your roof white, so it reflects the sun's rays. If enough people did this, it could make a significant difference.
While nuclear power may be 'clean' in terms of emissions, it poses considerable risks and nuclear waste remains a ticking time-bomb. The nuclear energy industry also has strong links with the arms industry, who waste more resources per annum than us ordinary citizens ever will (more rich people getting richer at everyone's expense).
The only long term solution is to attack the environmental problem from all sides simultaneously: population control, technological improvements, education, social change, taxation etc. etc. until we reach a sustainable equilibrium level.
The Sociable Hermit says: