TheMachine1 wrote:
Another issue I was curious about is when did people began to use the concept of infinity? Like words like "forever" in the Bible we assume people meant infinity but was "forever" really just a very long time in most peoples minds eye and not in fact an infinite amount of time? Only a person that is a mathematical historian and fluent in Greek and /or Hebrew maybe able to answer

Yes, it's rather a large subject.
The concept of infinity wasn't properly defined until recent years ( 1800s ).
It's amazing that the greeks missed it. I think it was archimedes (it's a long time since i read this) who devised a system of dealing with absolutely massive numbers ( much bigger than atoms in the known universe).
But they never actually took the small step left to define infinity. However, they were quite secretive with some knowledge and never liked to write things down ( all word of mouth). So, it's possible that they were aware of the concept.
Nowadays, definitions of infinity are taught without really grasping how large these large numbers can get.