Ichinin wrote:
eric76 wrote:
Ichinin wrote:
eric76 wrote:
Ichinin wrote:
Forgot, as to what programming language.
C is dead. Gone. Skip if unless you want to write code for dishwashers or do low level stuff and produce insecure code which C is known for.
There is nothing insecure about C. Sure, there is plenty of code written in C that in not secure, but that's because there is so much code written in C.
The security of the software does not depend on whether or not it is written in C.
Unless you know how to write secure code in C and why you shouldn't not use it, please do not make claims about it.
Rather pretentious, aren't you?
And very, very wrong.
No, i'm an actual SECURITY PROFESSIONAL, apparently the only one in this thread. Go hide in the programming thread where you sprouted your ill informed opinion about your ancient buffer overflow producing language.
The buffer overflows are the result of poor programming practices, not the language. The most you could say is that C doesn't protect you from your own bad practices. That does not make it inherently insecure.
Besides, buffer overflows aren't that difficult to avoid.
And, for what it's worth, I've seen "security professionals" who were too incompetent to set up a firewall.
Want to know what the real security issues are? People who don't know anything about security thinking that they do. We end up with very broken protocols and very broken implementations. If you want a really good example of this, WPA for wireless "security" is one.